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Info for Legal Professionals

Learn about Continuing Legal Education (CLE) materials and how to apply for after-hours access to the Law Library.

Special Hours

Until further notice the Law Library will be open for in-person visits Monday and Tuesday 8am - 5pm, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 8am - 12pm. Remote assistance remains available Monday - Friday 8am -5pm.

CLE information

CLE course books and audio CDs are available for 10 day checkout to all Oregon State Bar members. You may checkout up to 3 items at a time. If you would like to place a hold or have suggestions for new titles, please contact us.

Current CLEs:

Search the library catalog for other titles, including older CLEs, practice material, and more!

You can also order CLE programs from these websites:

*Non-exhaustive list of vendors that sell online CLEs; listing does not equal endorsement.

For information about Minimum Continuing Legal Education requirements, visit the Oregon State Bar's MCLE page.

After hours access

Who can apply

Active members of the Oregon State Bar

How to apply

Contact the trial court administrator's office for the form. When you get it, make sure to select the Law Library (and any other bypass options you wish). Return the form to the courthouse for processing.

What happens after you apply

All departments that you are requesting access to need to approve your request. Once you have been approved, you will be issued a mag card. This card will allow you access to the Law Library after hours.

What to do when you access the Law Library after hours

There will be a sign in sheet on the counter. Please fill out this as completely as possible, including time in and out. If you use any books, please leave them in one of the designated areas. If you print or make copies, standard charge rates apply ($0.10 per sheet of paper); you can use the charge book, fill out an IOU form, or place your money with a quick note on the table.


Please contact us at 503-846-8880 or [email protected].