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New Report Demonstrates Supportive Housing Services Voter-approved Resources are Changing Lives

Washington County doubles year-round shelter beds and serves over 2,500 residents in just one year, intervening to support community members recovering from economic hardships with housing solutions.
Media release

The Supportive Housing Services Annual Report was released this week. Report outcomes demonstrate pairing critical housing resources with expanded shelter capacity, local outreach workers and experienced case managers leads to impressive results in Washington County.

“The report details tremendous progress that we should all be proud of,” Washington County Housing Director Molly Rogers shared. “There is still much work to be done, but I am confident in the expertise of our staff, our dedicated community partners, and our program participants working hard to get back on their feet. Seeing the tangible results from these investments with new shelters and long-term housing placements backed by guaranteed rental assistance, we are poised to deepen our impact and serve even more Washington County households experiencing homelessness in the years to come.”

This report describes programs funded by the voter-approved Supportive Housing Services measure for the Washington County Homeless Services Division from July 2022 through June 2023. Washington County served 2,522 individuals with housing placement, case management services, rent assistance and/ or eviction prevention. At the same time, shelter has proved an invaluable steppingstone to housing and allowed Washington County to reduce unsheltered homelessness across our community. In the last year, Washington County doubled access to shelter in just one year, adding 220 beds/rooms operating year-round to our shelter program, for a total of over 400 beds/rooms.

Metrics are important, but so are human stories. The report highlights “stories of hope” from service provider partners, newly housed program participants, and shelter guests across our community. Together, they demonstrate the life-changing impact that stable, affordable housing can have for our community members.

One story of hope comes from Anna. Anna was living in Tigard when she fell on hard times and spent over fifteen years sleeping first in a trailer and then outside in a tent. She and her partner, Bill, struggled with addiction, numerous health challenges, and knew something needed to change. Housing was a catalyst for that change, and they got fresh start after connecting with a case manager at Just Compassion. Since then, they’ve found a place to call home with long-term rental assistance. Anna and Bill moved into their very own apartment in December 2022.

Anna explains, “People think we [people experiencing homelessness] are lazy, but it takes so much work to live on the streets. Not a day went by that I didn’t walk ten miles. Until you’ve been there you just never know. Now, sobriety has been the biggest change. I have a relationship with my children and my mom. If they need something, we are there.”

To view the full report, click here.
