Our Commitment
The Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement (OEICE) performs a vital role in ensuring that all Washington County residents have culturally and linguistically appropriate access to the County's services, programs and opportunities to participate in decision making.
Washington County’s mission is to provide excellent and cost-effective services that support healthy, peaceful, safe and sustainable communities and encourage meaningful participation in community activities and county governance. As a part of this mission, the County is committed to addressing past and ongoing harm and obstacles certain communities face within county government systems. On February 25, 2020, the Washington County Board of Commissioners voted to adopt the Racial Equity Resolution(Link downloads document) as County policy. It established the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement and detailed the formation of an organizational action plan. On August 24, 2021, the Board voted to adopt the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Action Plan.
Details the formation of an
organizational action plan to create the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement.
A dynamic plan that outlines EDI deliverables for which the OEICE will provide leadership, policy guidance and project management support.
Acknowledges the people on whose land we live, the Atfalati-Kalapuyans, the first inhabitants of Washington County.
What We Do
The OEICE works countywide to promote a safe and inclusive workplace with a workforce that reflects the diversity of Washington County. The OEICE also works with all County departments to promote culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery, identify and address barriers to equal employment opportunities due to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and identify and mitigate unfair and avoidable differences in access, quality and outcomes of County services. In addition, the County invites and encourages engagement by community members in the decision making that affects policy, programs, services and products. Engagement opportunities include County Board town halls, open houses, community boards and commissions, Civic Leader trainings and more.
Need Assistance?
If you need ADA accommodations, language interpretation or translation, or any other assistance to help you access County services and/or any opportunities for participation, please email equity@washingtoncountyor.gov or call 503-846-6288(Link opens phone app) with your request.
Policies, Procedures, Resources
Establishes standards for the fair treatment and equal protection of all people in accessing Washington County programs, activities, benefits and services.
Advances County’s philosophy of equity, fairness and the belief in the value of all employees and a respect for their differences so that all may realize their full potential.
Reaffirms the County's commitment to the spirit and letter of affirmative action law.
Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities. County’s policy ensures all equal opportunity to participate.
Serves as a foundation and guide for staff and contractors on best practices in equitable community engagement when working with the public, to assist them in participating in local decision making.
Washington County is committed to providing a work environment that is fair, civil and respectful of each person’s dignity.
No person shall be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination in any service provided by or through the County.
One of the ways the County strives to remove barriers to meaningful access to programs, services and job opportunities is by providing free language assistance.
Policies, Procedures, Resources
Report concerns confidentially or anonymously about the conduct of County employees, officials or agents.