Vending machines that dispense food must be licensed and inspected by Washington County Environmental Health. License applications must include the location of all warehouses or commissaries used to supply the vending machine food products; the locations where vending machines are stored, repaired or renovated; the identity and form of food to be dispensed through the vending machines; and the number of each type of vending machine at specific locations.
For more information about the food code, visit the Food Code page.
Food Sanitation Rules and Statutes
- OAR 333-150 Food Sanitation Rules (applicable to all facilities)
- OAR 333-157 Inspection and Licensing Procedures
- OAR 333-162 Additional Information for Mobile Units
- ORS 624 Food Service Facilities
Forms and Fees
*License expires December 31 of the year issued*
License Renewals
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