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washington-county-complaint-intake-form-incidents.pdf (PDF 1.64 MB)

fillable complaint form for incidents of discrimination, harassment and retaliation
Application Human Resources FY 2021-22

Complaint form (PDF 1.64 MB)

fillable complaint form for incidents of discrimination, harassment and retaliation
Form Human Resources

Peligros en el Condado de Washington (PDF 232.86 KB)

There are many hazards that can affect you in Washington County. This flyer covers earthquakes, floods, windstorms, and winter storms because they are the most likely to occur or can cause widespread damage.
Take 5 to Survive

Calendario de preparación (PDF 474.36 KB)

Get prepared for disasters for TWO WEEKS by spreading out the cost and effort over 12 months!
Take 5 to Survive

Preparación de mascotas (PDF 564.88 KB)

Many families have pets and they’re part of the family, too. They need to be ready for a disaster.
Take 5 to Survive

Personas con discapacidad (PDF 239.05 KB)

If you or your loved one have specific needs for hearing, learning, seeing or physical mobility, there are a number of things for you to consider as you plan and prepare.
Take 5 to Survive

Preparación del hogar (PDF 386.75 KB)

Statistics show that most fires, accidents, and injuries occur in the home. Furniture, appliances and even knick-knacks can become hazards in an earthquake. You can take steps now to make your home safer before a disaster.
Take 5 to Survive

Conéctese (PDF 802.22 KB)

During a disaster, use voice phone calls for emergency purposes only, such as calling 911 for help. Text for everything else.
Take 5 to Survive

Temperaturas extremas en verano e invierno (PDF 110.31 KB)

Summers are getting hotter in the Portland metro area. The average number of days over 90 degrees has gone up—from 11 days a year in the past to our new normal of 22 days a year.
Take 5 to Survive

Agua para emergencias (PDF 411.11 KB)

Storing water for emergencies is one of the most important things you can do. Most people can survive for several days or weeks without food but only a few days without water.
Take 5 to Survive

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