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Measles symptoms, vaccine and treatment

Health alert: Measles cases identified in Clackamas and Marion counties

There are three reported cases of measles in Clackamas and Marion counties, with two of those cases based in a single Clackamas County household, according to Oregon Health Authority (OHA). There are no exposures identified in Washington County at this time.

Anyone who has received a measles vaccination at any time in their life has a low risk of getting measles. By comparison, that risk is much higher for anyone who hasn’t received a measles vaccine before exposure to the preventable disease. Groups at highest risk of getting measles include:

  • Unvaccinated pregnant people.
  • Infants younger than 1-year-old
  • People with weakened immune systems.

To protect yourself and your children, call your health provider if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned on this page. Vaccination remains the most effective way of protecting yourself against measles, so please ensure you are up to date on your MMR or MMVR vaccine.

You can read OHA’s full press release online.

Learn more about the different measles vaccines from CDC:

Measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. It affects the respiratory system (lungs and breathing tubes) and causes a fever and a rash. Other symptoms include cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes. Measles can be serious, especially for babies and young children. It mainly spreads through the air after a person with measles breathes, coughs or sneezes. Measles symptoms usually begin 7-14 days after exposure to the virus. Measles is contagious from about four days before the rash appears through four days after the rash appears. People can spread measles before they have the characteristic measles rash.

For more information from the CDC about measles:

Measles is rare in the United States. People are usually exposed to measles when they travel internationally, and unvaccinated people can get infected abroad and bring the virus back to the U.S.

If you think you might have measles, call your doctor. If you need to be seen by a doctor, be sure to call before you arrive so that plans can be made to avoid exposing other people.

Measles is preventable with a vaccine called "MMR" (measles-mumps-rubella).

You are considered immune to measles if ANY of the following apply to you:

  • You have written documentation of adequate vaccination, which includes:
    • One or more doses of a measles-containing vaccine given on or after the first birthday for preschool-age children and adults who are not at high risk.
    • Two doses of measles-containing vaccine for school-age children.
    • Two doses of measles-containing vaccine for adults at high risk (including college students, healthcare workers and international travelers).
  • You have laboratory tests showing that you are immune.
  • You have laboratory tests showing that you have had measles.
  • You were born in the United States before 1957.

For more information about vaccination, visit the CDC's site.