Updated 09/27/2023
If you have symptoms of COVID-19
Stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms(Link is external), stay away (isolate) from others, and get tested. Visit our testing page for options.
If you test positive for COVID-19
Regardless of vaccination status or prior infection with COVID-19:
- Stay home until you are free of fever for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication (e.g., acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin) and your symptoms are improving.
- For 10 days after symptoms begin or after you test positive, avoid contact with people at increased risk for severe disease, including older adults, those at increased risk for severe disease, and people with underlying conditions.
- Wear a mask around others for 10 days after your symptoms began or after you tested positive.
- If you are severely ill with COVID-19 or immunocompromised, talk to your provider to determine when you are able to resume contact with others.
- Speak with your doctor for any treatment options, such as antiviral therapy.
- If you live or work in a congregate setting, consult with the facility for further guidance as they may differ than general guidance.
See the Oregon Health Authority page(Link is external) for more information.
If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19
Most people exposed to COVID-19 do not need to quarantine. However, if you’ve been a close contact, you should be aware of your potential to become infected and then to infect others around you.
Regardless of vaccination status or prior infection with COVID-19:
- Watch for COVID-like symptoms for 10 days after your last exposure.
- Avoid unnecessary visits with high-risk individuals.
- Get tested at least five days after last exposure if you live or work with high-risk individuals. If you test too soon after exposure, it may not show up as positive even though you actually have COVID and can spread the illness to others.
- If symptoms develop, isolate away from others until you are able to arrange for testing. If you need to go out, wear a well fitted mask. Follow guidance for “If you test positive for COVID-19."
If you live or work in a high-risk setting
Guidance may be different for people who work in high risk facilities like healthcare settings(Link is external), jails, long-term care and some congregate living settings. Please work with your employer to find out what they are requiring.
How to prevent home transmission
Watch the video below for helpful information to prevent virus spread in the home, including:
- What to do if you can't easily separate from others
- How to care for an ill person in the home
The CDC also has a helpful website that explains what to do if you are sick or caring for someone with COVID-19(Link is external).