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Applying For CDBG Funds

The CDBG Program operates on an annual funding cycle. The application process and forms can be found online.


Washington County's Office of Community Development (OCD) will be conducting its Application Workshop for the 2024 funding year (July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025). Staff will review new policies, give a program overview, and go over application requirements for CDBG public facility, infrastructure and public service projects.

Attendance at the workshops is MANDATORY for all program applicants. Please RSVP by emailing Shaena Johnson at [email protected].

Monday August 21, 2023

CDBG Public Services at 9:00 am

CDBG Public Facilities & Infrastructure at 2:00 pm

* Held at the Washington Street Conference Center

It is very important that you attend the correct workshop for your project, so please contact the Office of Community Development at 503-846-8814 with any further questions.

If you are unsure what types of projects fall under these categories, go to Program Activities.

To help ensure equal access to Washington County Office of Community Development programs, services and activities, we will provide translation, reasonably modify policies or procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities. For accommodations, translations, complaints, and additional information, contact 503-846-8814, or for voice to TTY relay dial 711 or 1-800-735-1232.

Para ayudar a asegurar un acceso igualitario a los programas, servicios y actividades de la Oficina de Desarrollo Comunitario del Condado Washington, nosotros proveemos traducciones, políticas o procedimientos modificados razonables y también apoyos/servicios auxiliares o formatos alternativos para las personas con discapacidades. Para solicitar acomodaciones, traducciones, quejas o una información adicional, contáctenos llamando al 503-846-8814 o para voz en retransmisión de TTY, marque 711 o 1-800-735-1232.