Designing the CATT has been a community effort. While County staff have facilitated the process, the design is based on input from many different people and organizations. Here is a description of several key work groups that are, or have, contributed to the work:
Active Work Groups
Leadership Team
Staff from several county departments have worked since 2019 to build the CATT concept. The Leadership Team organizes the project and plans for future work. The team also collects feedback from community members and other organizations to inform the development.
Steering Committee
View the committee's web page to learn more about the committee that began meeting in 2020.
Public Safety Work Group
This group brings together leaders in local public safety with the CATT Leadership Team to work on identified neighborhood safety concerns, facility admission criteria, partnering with existing programs, and opportunities for the CATT to divert community members from the criminal justice system.
Inactive Work Groups
Data Work Group
In 2019 this group collected and analyzed data to determine the projected client utilization, staffing patterns and service delivery.
Program Development Work Group
This group was active from October 2020 - June 2022 and helped create the foundation for the CATT project.
Peer Space Committee
This committee met for three months in 2023 and made recommendations regarding the best use of the designated peer community space, which will be part of the Community Services Building. They also helped inform the selection criteria for the provider who will occupy the peer space resource.
Community Engagement Advisory Work Group
Over the course of a year, this group provided subject matter expertise on the development of the CATT Community Engagement Strategic Plan and a campaign to reduce stigma around substance use treatment. The work group also advised the Leadership Team on its ongoing community engagement work.