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May 2017 Voters Urged to Mail or Drop Off Ballots Early

Elections officials are encouraging voters to mail or drop ballots off as soon as possible for the May 16th election.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Monday, May 01, 2017

Sponsored by: Assessment and Taxation Department, Elections Division

Voters Urged to Mail or Drop Off Ballots Early

Washington County elections officials are encouraging voters to mail or drop off their ballots as soon as possible this election season so that all ballots are processed in a timely manner.

Voters throughout Oregon should have received their ballots by mail over the recent weekend. Information about vote-by-mail, voter eligibility and other election matters may be found at the Washington County Elections Office website or by calling (503) 846-5800.

Voters will have until May 11th to send their completed ballots in appropriately signed envelopes with a postmark from the U.S. Postal Service. After this date, completed ballots should be dropped off at official collection sites in order to meet the election's 8 p.m. deadline on May 16.

Ballot drop off sites can be found on the Washington County website at:

24-hour Drop Off Sites
Voters may drop off their completed ballots at several 24-hour drop off sites, including:

Indoor Drop-Off Sites
Official drop boxes at indoor locations (limited hours of operation are available by phone) include:

Media Contact:

Elections Office
[email protected]