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Washington County Receives Green Business Award

Washington County was recently recognized for best practices in waste reduction and operational sustainability, becoming only the second government agency to receive a Gold Level Green Business Award.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, February 14, 2019

Sponsored by: Support Services Department

Washington County Receives “Gold Level” Green Business Award for Sustainable Practices

Washington County was recently recognized for implementing more than 50 best practices in the areas of waste and toxics reduction, water and energy conservation, transportation options, employee and community engagement, and social responsibility. The overall County organization, represented by the Sustainability Program, received the “Gold Level” Green Business Award as a participant in the Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling Green Business Leaders Program. Washington County is one of 30 local businesses to receive
this honor and only the second government agency to be recognized with the Gold designation.

To earn the Gold-level award, Washington County has focused on waste reduction and operational sustainability in various ways:

  • irrigation efficiency improvements to decrease water usage,
  • lighting upgrades to lower electricity consumption, and
  • initiation of composting programs for food scraps and roadside vegetation to reduce the amount of garbage sent to the landfill.

Washington County has implemented additional sustainable practices including promotion of transportation options to employees and visitors, utilizing green-certified paint with low toxicity, maintaining EcoBiz certification for landscaping and fleet services, and coordinating an employee charitable giving campaign.

“Washington County has been proactive in integrating sustainability throughout the organization,” says Robin Straughan, Washington County Sustainability Coordinator. “All departments have sustainability plans and all staff are expected to make sustainable choices in their work. As a large organization, the County prioritizes practices that minimize our impact, serve the public interest and address the needs of all.”

According to Alex Bertolucci, Washington County Green Business Advisor, “By implementing socially and environmentally responsible practices, Green Business Award winners are doing their part to move the needle on waste reduction. This helps to create healthy communities and contributes to worldwide efforts to support the environment.”

Washington County recognizes the role and responsibility for public agencies to protect and conserve natural resources, use financial resources effectively and efficiently, and celebrate the achievements of a healthy and productive organization.

Media Contact:

Robin Straughan, Sustainability Coordinator
[email protected]