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COVID-19 information for Washington County employees

Washington County is committed to the health, wellness and safety of employees, their families and the broader community.

After three years of COVID-19, we are no longer operating under a public health emergency. However, the virus continues to cause illness and can pose additional risk for those who have underlying health conditions.

Employees are expected to follow the advice of our public health professionals by remaining home when sick. Coming to work while sick can be detrimental to you, your family, co-workers and the public we serve. Frequent hand washing and/or use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer is still an important strategy to prevent the spread of illness.

Face coverings

Washington County no longer requires masks in County facilities. Please keep in mind that even though a mask mandate is no longer in effect:

  • Some people will still choose to mask and should be made to feel welcome in our facilities.
  • Masks still offer additional protection for yourself, those you live with and others around you.
  • Masks continue to protect against colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses.
  • If you have respiratory symptoms, wearing a mask can prevent spreading illness to others.

Public health and disease control guidance

Washington County Public Health has provided helpful information about managing COVID-19 cases and potential exposures. Please visit the HHS COVID-19 webpage on "Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines" for additional information.

For general information about COVID-19, please visit the HHS COVID-19 website.