Do I need a permit for a deck if it is ground level?
No but remember to check with our Current Planning staff to see what the setback requirements are.
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No but remember to check with our Current Planning staff to see what the setback requirements are.
Yes, if the sign height is greater than 6 feet from the bottom of the supporting footing to the top of the sign.
Yes. Moving walls can change of a path of egress or reduce the integrity of a fire-rated wall or corridor. Permits are required.
No. Under state statute, we are not allowed to provide design assistance. We identify things that do not meet codes. If you believe staff is redesigning projects, please email our Building Official.
In cases where the victim has asked to be notified, they will be contacted by phone (during business hours) or by mail. Victims are also encouraged to register with the Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) network to receive automated notifications via email, text, or phone call. Once they are signed up, they can also check custody status information online at any time. Victims who have concerns about case notifications can call the Washington County Victim Assistance line at 503-846-8314.
Additional mental health treatment facilities, including secure residential treatment facilities, are urgently needed to provide services to defendants charged with serious and violent crimes who are released from the Oregon State Hospital before they are able to assist in their own defense. Funding for workforce expansion is also critical to ensure we have enough highly trained staff to do this important work.
Oregon’s long history of underfunding our behavioral health system has contributed to this crisis. We need a significant investment of state and federal resources for system expansion and coordination of care. This would help to address a wide range of mental health needs across the community and improve health and safety for all.
Based on the independent consultant’s assessment of both Building Services and Current Planning, historic financial performance, fees have not kept up with increasing costs.
Fee-supported enterprises fluctuate with the economy. While some economic trends are predictable from a historic standpoint, other economic influences – like a global pandemic and fluctuations in development activity – are not. Implementing annual fee adjustments to address increasing costs starting in FY 2024-25 will help to address this.
The number varies by month but currently there are approximately 40 people who are unable to assist in their own defense and are receiving restorative services at the Oregon State Hospital.
Washington County has joined several other local jurisdictions to provide additional perspectives on Judge Mosman’s order. A hearing was held in January 2023 to review the order, however Judge Mosman declined to revoke his original order at that time. Another hearing is scheduled to take place in April 2023.
Jurisdictions are required by the state to enforce the building codes. We are trained and certified by the state in an array of state codes. We work closely with the design community to make sure buildings meet the state's minimum code standards.
Jurisdictions are required by the state to enforce the building codes. We are trained and certified by the state in an array of state codes. We closely with the design community to make sure buildings meet the state's minimum code standards.