An analysis by ECONorthwest, a private consulting firm, revealed that each of Intel's jobs in Hillsboro and Washington County created an additional three non-Intel jobs throughout the state. In 2012, this added up to nearly 68,000 jobs –about 4 percent of the State's workforce. Additionally in 2012, Intel's payroll amounted to $2.8 billion causing a ripple effect that led to a gross total of $327.7 million in state income taxes and local property taxes in support of public services statewide. This and previous studies of Intel's economic impact have measured this ripple effect across the local and state economy, contributing revenue and jobs to smaller businesses involved with real estate, retail, health care, entertainment and other markets. The most recent ECONorthwest study can be found at here.
The computers and electronics industry, and in particular semiconductor manufacturing, forms the core of the Greater Portland region's economy and exports. High-tech products are driving both wages and exports. Recent data from the Brookings Institution and JP Morgan Chase indicate that exports accounted for 24.4 percent of the Portland metro area's total economic output in 2012, ranking Portland fourth among the nation's largest 100 metro areas. The top three export sectors –semiconductors, computer equipment and precision instruments, all prominent elements of the Hillsboro's technology cluster –total more than $21.7 billion in annual exports, and make up 62 percent of the region's export value. Semiconductors are the top export, totaling $15.17 billion, which accounts for 44.7 percent of total exports.
Hillsboro's high-tech cluster, anchored by Intel, is populated by companies that range from relatively modest local specialty service providers that clean and service equipment to large, multinational corporations with operations on nearly every continent. A closer look at the industry shows companies specializing in equipment, materials, components and services are critical to primary makers such as Intel.As chip makers explore different designs, geometries, materials and functionalities, their key partners of necessity must collaborate with them as well. This is why Intel has attracted such a vibrant supplier population here.