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Culture Close to Home in Washington County

Media Release about Oregon's Day of Culture, October 8, 2009
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sponsored by: Cooperative Library Services Department

Celebrate Oregon's Day of Culture – Thursday, October 8th

Please join the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) in celebrating Oregon's Day of Culture on Thursday, October 8th. Sponsored by the Oregon Cultural Trust, the Day of Culture's focus is on celebrating culture close to home and recognizing the culture that surrounds us everyday. What better place to do that than at your local library?

The public libraries of Washington County serve a primary role as cultural institutions, welcoming nearly 1.5 million people through their doors each year. Libraries are the neighborhood gathering places, the "front porches" of our communities, and open to all. This year on October 8th, celebrate culture close to home!

Additional information can be found at the Cooperative Library website at

Media Contact:

Jodi Nielsen, Senior Program Educator
[email protected]