The Law Library provides free access to our print and digital collection of statutes, case law, subject treatises covering state and federal jurisdictions, and historic Oregon legislative materials.
Search our online catalog(Link is external) to see what print resources are available. Our digital collection is accessible via three public computers.
Some highlights of items offered:
- LexisNexis
- HeinOnline
- Oregon State BarBooks
- Westlaw
- Nolo Press Publications
We also have a dedicated Oregon eCourt Case Information (OECI) terminal courtesy of the Washington County Circuit Court.
Copy center
Patrons may print or copy materials for $0.10 per page, or scan materials at no charge. Faxing is also available.
Meeting spaces
The Law Library has meeting spaces that can be used for arbitrations, client meetings, depositions, mediations, or private workspace. Attorneys may reserve space in advance.