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Public Health Awards Recognize Outstanding Efforts in Hands-Only CPR, Healthy Lifestyles, and Tobacco and Suicide Prevention

Washington County Health and Human Services will present the 13th Annual Public Health Recognition Awards on Thursday, April 9, 2 p.m., in the Public Services Building auditorium
Media release

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department

As part of National Public Health Week, Washington County Health and Human Services will present the 13th Annual Public Health Recognition Awards on Thursday, April 9, 2 p.m., in the Public Services Building auditorium, 155 N. First Ave, Hillsboro. A reception with interactive, fun and educational public health displays will follow the awards ceremony. All are welcome! For more information, contact Rose Sherwood at 503-846-4921.

This year's honorees:

  • The "Public Health Ambassador Award" recognizes an individual in the community who has raised awareness of public health issues, developed projects with a lasting impact, and/or influenced systems or policy changes. The award will be presented to Herb Lommen for his dedication to saving lives by teaching hands-only CPR to students who then teach it to others.
  • The "Partner in Public Health Award" recognizes an organization/business that has developed innovative public health programs that positively affect its employees and/or the community at large. The award will be presented to Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District and FamilyCare, Inc. for collaborating to help low-income families become physically active and learn about healthy eating.
  • The "Emerging Public Health Leader Award" recognizes a youth or youth-related group that promotes healthy communities and making healthy lifestyle choices. The award will be presented to Rebels for a Cause for promoting a tobacco-free world by influencing through education and inspiring through example.
  • The "Washington County Employee Award" recognizes an exemplary Washington County staff member who has gone above and beyond his or her regular work responsibilities to make a difference in public health. The award will be given to Deputy Medical Examiner Adam Knapp, for his exemplary efforts in creating and supporting a thriving Suicide Fatality Review Team as we work toward zero suicides in Washington County.

Media Contact:

Wendy Gordon, Communications Coordinator/PIO
[email protected]