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Legislative Budget Proposal for Seniors and People with Disabilities

budget cuts and proposals for seniors and people with disabilities programs in the state
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 02, 2011

Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department

By a press release from the Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging & Disabilities dated June 1st, Kay Metzger, Chair of O4AD and Director of Lane Council of Governments Seniors & Disability Services commented. "Today's budget for Seniors and People with Disabilities represents difficult choices with limited revenue sources to help very vulnerable populations."

Oregon Project Independence was partially funded to a total of $9 million, however it is a reduction that will require some cuts to the program and reduce the number of clients over the biennium. "$12.6 million would allow OPI to delay the need for Medicaid to a higher number of people which will curb the cost of state expenditures for public assistance" said Kay Metzger.

The Ways and Means budget resulted in a reduction of protective services staff. However, in many areas the trends are showing a 25% increase in the numbers of people requesting assistance. "In order to continue to provide services that meet the needs of clients and remain cost efficient, the system must have adequate infrastructure." Kay Metzger continued.

It was cited that the Governor's investments are necessary for the independence, dignity, choice and safety of vulnerable populations.

Kay Metzger stated, "We will continue to work with our legislators as budgets are determined for the 2011-13 biennium to meet the needs of Oregon's seniors and people with disabilities."

Media Contact:

Rebecca Tabra, Program Educator
[email protected]