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H1N1 Vaccination open to all

H1N1 Vaccination open to all with emphasis still on priority groups
News article
Release date: 12/11/2009
Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department, Division

H1N1 Vaccine Available to General Population

Washington County officials are making the H1N1 vaccine available to everyone beginning Monday, December 14. Previously the vaccine had been prioritized to groups most at risk from H1N1 influenza.

Health officials continue to urge people to get vaccinated to prevent problems later this winter.

"Private healthcare providers, retail pharmacies and local public health clinics will be receiving vaccine to administer. People who do not have a healthcare provider or insurance may receive a vaccination at one of the Washington County Clinics. For an appointment, call 503-846-8851," says Kathleen O'Leary, administrator of Washington County Public Health.

Find out where to get vaccinated:

More information:

Flu-related questions: State's flu hotline, 1-800-978-3040.

Media Contact:

Kent Burtner, Communications Officer
[email protected]