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"Exclusion Day" Means Kids Need Shots to Stay in School

"Exclusion Day" Means Kids Need Shots to Stay in School -- about the exclusion process and vaccinations.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department, Division

Students and children in certified care facilities who do not have their vaccinations up to date will not be allowed to attend school as of February 16 according to an official of Washington County's Department of Health and Human Services. "It's important that each student have his or her vaccinations to protect them and their fellow students," says Gregg Russell, Washington County's immunization program coordinator.

On February 2, Health and Human Services will send "exclusion letters" to parents of over 5,000 Washington County students who attend schools and certified child care facilities.The letters will explain which vaccinations are missing from the student's record and which are needed.The parents will have until February 16 to get their students vaccinated or bring in the missing records to their school.The schools can then cancel the exclusion orders and the students will continue attending school.

There are exemptions from this rule, according to Russell."A few students may be undergoing medical treatment and so vaccinations aren't recommended for them at the time."Medical exemptions need a doctor's letter or a lab report to be confirmed by Health and Human Services.Exemptions may also be given if parents have a religious objection to one or more vaccinations.

Parents who do not have a regular health care provider for their children may call the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services at 503-846-8851 to set up an appointment to have their child immunized at a county clinic.

Parents are strongly encouraged to keep an updated immunization record at home for all members of the family.

Parents who would like to have more information about immunizations and which immunizations are needed for school can visit the Washington County Health and Human Services web site at: may also call 503-846-4955 with particular questions.

Media Contact:

Gregg Russell, Immunization Coordinator
[email protected]