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Council to Introduce Zero Suicide Initiative at Summit of Hope

The Summit of Hope takes place on May 13 and is open to anyone interested in suicide prevention.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, April 09, 2015

Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department

Oregon has the 13th highest suicide rate in the nation. Suicide has become the leading cause of death for Oregon children and young adults ages 10-24 and for Oregon veterans under the age of 45. In Washington County, on average, 65 people die by suicide every year.

The Suicide Prevention Council of Washington County was formed in 2013 with a vision of "Zero is Possible" to address this public health crisis.

The council is sponsoring the Summit of Hope on Wednesday, May 13, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., at Pacific University in Forest Grove. The free event is open to anyone interested in suicide prevention – health care and behavioral health providers, social service agencies, faith leaders, educators, law enforcement, local government, businesses, first responders, survivors of suicide loss, concerned friends and family, and more.

David Covington, an internationally renowned behavioral health speaker and expert on the Zero Suicide Initiative, will be the keynote speaker. Mr. Covington's presentation will be followed by small group discussions by community sector.

The Zero Suicide Initiative is a commitment to suicide prevention in health and behavioral health care systems and also a specific set of tools and strategies. It is based on work done by health systems and other organizations that have achieved zero suicides among their health plan members.

Washington County was chosen as a demonstration site for Oregon as part of its federal Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Grant. As a demonstration site, Washington County is the first county in Oregon that will be partnering with a health system to implement the specific strategies of the Zero Suicide Initiative.

"The Summit of Hope will give the community an opportunity to learn more about the Zero Suicide Initiative and how to move forward with implementation in our county," says Amy Baker, Washington County's suicide prevention coordinator. "We are thrilled that David Covington will be sharing his wealth of knowledge to help us move forward with this important effort."

Registration is required by May 1. For more information and a registration link, visit Or call 503-846-4575.

Media Contact:

Wendy Gordon, Communications Coordinator/PIO
[email protected]