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Bonnie L. Hays Small Animal Shelter Open July 5th

Bonnie L. Hays Small Animal Shelter Open July 5th for lost and found pets during holiday weekend
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sponsored by: Health and Human Services Department, Animal Services Division

Bonnie L. Hays Small Animal Shelter Open on July 5th

Washington County Animal Services and the Bonnie L. Hays Small Animal Shelter will be open on July 5 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM for lost and found pets only.

“We were scheduled to be closed to celebrate the holiday, but we knew we’d have a lot of owners desperately wanting to be reunited with their pets,” explained Deborah Wood, manager of Animal Services. The July 4th holiday is the number one time of year to lose a pet. “We are worried it will be even worse than usual this year, since we expect a lot of people to celebrate on both July 3rd and 4th,” said Wood.


To see photos of all lost pets at the Bonnie L. Hays shelter, go to the shelter’s web site ( – click on “Lost and Found”).

People can pick or drop off stray pets found in Washington county from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on July 5. The shelter is located at 1901 SE 24th Street in Hillsboro (on the Tualatin Valley Highway adjacent to Lowe’s and Home Depot).


**Make sure your pet has identification
. Collar tags are best, but they can come off. Every pet should also be microchipped.

**Don’t EVER take your dog to a commercial fireworks display
. If the noise scares the dog, he’s in the dark, in the middle of a crowd, in a strange place. That’s not a good combination.

**Make your home a sanctuary for your pet. Have an interior room (such as a bathroom or basement with no windows) where you pet can stay if he’s fearful of the noise. Keep a radio or TV on for “white noise” to soften the sounds of the fireworks.

**If your pet is sensitive to noise, talk to your veterinarian now. Feliway has been clinically proven to be effective on some cats; it’s an odorless product that replicates calming pheromones. There is a similar product for dogs, called DAP (for Dog Appeasing Pheromone). Both Feliway and DAP are available at veterinary offices and at some pet supply stores. Pets that are very fearful of noises might need a prescription of anti-anxiety medication from their vets.