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Fair, Fair Board, and Westside Commons

Westside Commons, home of the annual Washington County Fair, is a multi-use campus located in Hillsboro, Oregon, that is dedicated to serving the entire community by hosting and producing national-class events on a local scale.

The Board of County Commissioners and the Fair Board are exercising a collaborative approach toward conducting a high-quality Fair event each year and maintaining and improving facilities and property at the Fairgrounds, now rebranded as Westside Commons, over the years ahead. To learn more about the 2023 Washington County Fair, happening July 21 through July 30, visit the Fair's website, and to learn more about the events happening at Westside Commons, visit its website at

Emergency Livestock Evacuation Plan

In the event there is an emergency that necessitates our Fairgrounds to be used as a shelter for evacuated livestock, we want to assure you we will be operating and available to take in your livestock. Should a livestock evacuation be necessary, go to, our Fair website, and we will have more information to help you at that time, but please know our team is prepared to help you!

Fair Board

The Fair Board's primary function is to oversee the planning, preparation, and production of the annual Washington County Fair. The Fair Board develops both short and long-term plans for the promotion and production of the County Fair and provides input to the County's Facilities Maintenance Plan of the Fairgrounds. The Fair Board is comprised of seven members appointed to 3-year terms, that are selected from a variety of interests determined by the Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to:

  • Agriculture
  • Livestock
  • Youth/Education
  • Exhibitors/Vendors
  • Urban Agriculture
  • In lieu of a citizen representative, one member may be from the Board of Commissioners

Current Fair Board Members

  • President, Gary Seidel, representing the Public Safety category (Term expires 12/31/26)
  • Vice President, Bill Ganger, representing Livestock Exhibitors, 4-H, and FFA (Term expires 12/31/26)
  • County Commissioner Jerry Willey, Ex-Officio Board Member, (Appointed by position, term expires 12/31/25)
  • Troy Ceballos, representing the Community at Large (Term expires 5/31/26)
  • Fatein Mahmoud, representing the Community at Large (Term expires 12/31/25)
  • Jason Herinckx, representing the Community at Large (Term expires 12/31/26)
  • Bob Rollinger, representing Local Business (Term expires 12/31/25)

Send an email to the Fair Board at [email protected].

Apply to be considered for an appointment to the Fair Board.

Fair Board Meetings

Sign-up to be notified about future Fair Board meetings.

Fair Board Meetings Archive

  • Fair Board's next meeting: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, hybrid on Zoom / in-person, Wingspan Event and Conference Center Meeting Room 3

Coordination and resource sharing between the Fair and the rest of the county government organization stems from an agreement adopted in 2010 by the Board of County Commissioners and the Fair Board. The Fair and Fairgrounds Agreement, in the form of a memorandum of understanding (MOU), is designed to clarify and reinforce the partnership between the Fair Board and Board of Commissioners in support of the annual Fair event and fairgrounds property, now re-branded as Westside Commons. The agreement memorializes a more focused role for the Fair Board: to plan, prepare and produce the County Fair. The agreement also discusses the creation of a Fairgrounds Advisory Committee (FAC) to provide advice and counsel to the Board of Commissioners on the Fairgrounds Master Plan, Fairgrounds Capital Projects Plan and other major site-related initiatives.