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Individual Development Accounts (IDA's)

IDA's are matched savings accounts that enable low-income and low-wealth individuals to save for specified goals within defined time frames. Example saving goals include home and small business ownership.

Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon (MESO)

MESO is a non-profit organization that works with small businesses to help them get started or grow, through a variety of services: business advising, educational workshops, small business loans, and a business matched-savings account.

Native American Youth and Family Individual Development Account Program

NAYA's IDA program offers low income clients opportunities to save towards an asset goal (homeownership, starting/expanding a small business or post secondary education) with a 5:1 matching rate.

Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME) Access to Capital

OAME’s subsidiary company, Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs Credit Corporation (OAMECC), provides SBA Loans to help minority small businesses succeed and grow through technical assistance and access to needed capital.