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Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (CPACE)

The CPACE program allows owners of eligible commercial properties to obtain favorable private capital financing for sustainability-focused building improvements.


CPACE was authorized by the Oregon State Legislature under ORS 223.680 and ORS 223.685.
The Washington County Board of County Commissioners passed Ordinance 891 on October 18, 2022, enabling the creation of the Washington County CPACE program. The program will run as a demonstration project until through 2025 at which time the Board may decide to extend or sunset the program. The County’s Economic Development Office administers the program.


CPACE offers benefits to eligible privately-owned commercial, industrial, agricultural, or multi-family (with five or more dwelling units) properties located within the boundaries of Washington County.

For Building Owners and Developers:

One of the biggest barriers to converting potential projects to completed projects for efficiency and seismic upgrades are the up-front cost of the types of measures identified in the statute as qualifying improvements. CPACE financing typically requires little up-front investment, and qualifying improvements improve property value. Energy efficiency measures also lower operating costs. In addition, CPACE financing has the following benefits:

  • Up to 100%, long-term financing. Many owners lack the capital to complete efficiency and seismic improvements. All direct and indirect costs incidental to the qualified improvements can be wrapped into CPACE financing.
  • Transferable upon sale. Some owners may want to sell the building before the financing is repaid. The CPACE lien and assessment are attached to the property and transfers to the new owner.
  • Cash flow benefits. CPACE financing may be repaid over the useful life of the improvements which, because of the long-term financing options, can have positive effects on cash flow.
  • Triple-net and Full-net leases may allow pass-through of assessment installments to tenants. Under triple/full net leases, CPACE payments can be passed along to tenants, who also typically derive benefit from any energy savings through reduced operating costs.

For Energy Auditors, Architects, Building Engineers, and Contractors:

By allowing a property owner to access 100% up-front financing for longer terms than are typically available for conventional financing, more substantial efficiency and seismic improvements are now more affordable with CPACE. Energy auditors, architects, engineers, and contractors can suggest CPACE financing as a way for their clients to implement needed energy or seismic upgrades that might otherwise be unaffordable. Since the demand for building efficiency and seismic improvements will grow in a CPACE-enabled jurisdiction, CPACE is a powerful business growth catalyst for building professionals like energy auditors and contractors.

For Existing Lien Holders:

CPACE improvements can enhance property value and typically improve a building’s longevity, thereby reducing the risk of property value decline over time. In addition, CPACE financing is non-accelerating, meaning only current or past due annual payments can be collected each year while future payments stay with the property. As such, existing mortgage holders see their collateral improved without substantial increase in credit risk and with only a modest impact on lien priority. CPACE financing is not permitted without the consent of all existing lien holders and, under certain circumstances, the holders of certain other obligations encumbering commercial residential property.

Qualifying Projects

CPACE program enables financing for eligible real property owners to make certain qualified energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and seismic rehabilitation improvements. Funds must be used for eligible expenses, which may fall into one of these categories:

Energy efficiency

  • Decrease energy consumption or demand through efficiency technologies, products, or activities that reduce or support the reduction of energy consumption or allow for the reduction in demand or reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewable Energy

  • Support the production of clean, renewable energy, including but not limited to a product, device, or interacting group of products or devices on the customer's side of the meter that generates electricity, provides thermal energy, or regulates temperature.

Water Conservation

  • Decrease water consumption or demand and address safe drinking water through efficiency technologies, products, or activities that reduce or support the reduction of water consumption, allow for the reduction in demand, or reduce or eliminate lead from water which may be used for drinking or cooking.

Seismic Rehabilitation Improvements

  • Improve resiliency through building technologies that make the structure more resistant to ground motion or soil failure due to seismic activity.


  1. Property owner has an idea for an energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, and/or seismic rehabilitation project
  2. Property owner identifies capital provider (lender) for their project
  3. Property owner emails CPACE application materials to [email protected]
  4. Washington County Economic Development Program staff reviews application and issues letter or approval, conditional approval, or denial within 10 business days
  5. Upon approval, property owner pays program fee to Washington County
  6. Upon receipt of fee payment, Washington County will execute documents, notify property owner and capital provider, and records transaction upon closing
  7. Capital provider funds work and property owner completes CPACE project
  8. Property owner submits certificate of project completion to Washington County


If you are interested in applying for the CPACE program, please complete the below forms and email them to [email protected]

CPACE Application (PDF 222.99 KB)



Upon approval by county staff, and prior to executing documents for a CPACE transaction, a program fee will be due. The program fee is one percent (1%) of the total CPACE financing, or a minimum of $2,500 and capped at a total of no more than $15,000.


If you have questions, please email [email protected]

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