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Programs for Individuals on Supervision

Describes the programs available for residents who are on supervision.

**Residents on supervision must be referred for all programs below.**

Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment: These programs are through a local non-profit agency, and give treatment services to residents and other justice involved individuals on supervision.

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT): This is a cognitive-based (thought process) program that helps justice involved individuals deal with their antisocial beliefs and behaviors. MRT helps residents with personal, social, moral, and behavioral growth. It focuses on more positive behavior and self-esteem, less selfishness, dealing with frustration, and moral reasoning (thinking about what is right and wrong).

Anger Management: This is a cognitive-based behavioral program that deals with anger, things that cause anger, controlling your own actions, and having more self-awareness (paying attention to what you think, feel, and do).