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January Snow Update 3

Electrical power has been restored to county buildings in downtown Hillsboro.
News article
Release date: 01/12/2017
Sponsored by: County Administrative Office

County Buildings Open On Time, but Please Travel Safely

Electrical power was restored to County buildings Wednesday, January 11, so facilities are opening on time today, Thursday, January 12.

Employees should check with their supervisors about any curtailment of operations in their service areas.

Although little snowfall is predicted for today or tomorrow, temperatures dropped significant last night causing any moisture on the ground to harden into ice.

Facilities and Parks crews worked again throughout the early morning to keep parking lots and walkways clear. Nonetheless, please be aware that the lower temperatures have put a slippery glaze over surfaces that might otherwise appear dry today. Use extreme caution when exiting vehicles or disembarking from MAX trains and approaching County buildings.

The public is asked to monitor the Washington County website or social media feeds to learn more about potential changes to hours of operation. Updates about the status of Washington County Libraries can be found at Updates about road closures and snow removal from the County road system can be found at

Media Contact:

Philip Bransford, Communications Officer
[email protected]