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January Snow Update 2

Due to the loss of electrical power affecting several buildings in the downtown Hillsboro area, Washington County is halting all operations except for those supporting winter storm response, the animal shelter and emergency or other 24-hour services.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sponsored by: County Administrative Office

County Buildings Close Due to Prolonged Power Outage

Due to the loss of electrical power affecting several buildings in the downtown Hillsboro area, Washington County is halting all operations except for those supporting winter storm response, the animal shelter and emergency or other 24-hour services.

The public is asked to postpone their business with the County until these county facilities in downtown Hillsboro can open with full electrical power.

"We appreciate the tremendous effort being made by everyone working to respond to this snow storm and to keep our 24-hour operations going," said Assistant County Administrator Don Bohn. "We are also grateful to those who faced a challenging commute this morning, only to find the power out at their work places. Our hope is to work with PGE to bring the county back online as soon as possible so that we can open on time Thursday morning."

The public is asked to monitor the Washington County website or social media feeds to learn more about potential changes to hours of operation later this week. Updates about road closures and snow removal from the County road system can be found at

Media Contact:

Philip Bransford, Communications Officer
[email protected]