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County Boards Seek Candidates (Announcement #4)

County Boards Seek Candidates
News article
Release date: 04/28/2009
Sponsored by: County Administrative Office

County Boards Seek Candidates

Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Committee (AVSAC) (3 vacancies, 8 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: Planning for future services and reviewing current programs are two key roles for these 15 volunteers. Their community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing seniors and veterans make them an invaluable resource for Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services and the Board of Commissioners. The Council advises the department on policy, programs, and actions affecting the delivery of services and generally serves as an advocate for veterans and the elderly.

Members: 17

Length of Term: 2 years

Audit Committee (2 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: Independent oversight is critical to the effectiveness of financial statement audits. The audit committee monitors audits of the County's finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals help prevent an excessive reliance on the expertise of the external auditor.

Members: 5

Length of Term: 3 years

Disability Services Advisory Council (DSAC) (2 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: The Council works as advisors to the County's Disability, Aging and Veteran Services Department and Board of Commissioners to ensure effective advocacy, policy and planning related to programs and services for persons with disabilities.

Membership: 5

Length of Term: 3 years

Park and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) (3 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: Provides advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park/Henry Hagg Lake.

Members: 9

Length of Term: 3 years

Planning Commission (2 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: These nine appointed volunteers advise the Board of County Commissioners on land use and transportation planning issues. They conduct public hearings, make final decisions on some changes to land use plans, and convey recommendations to the Board on comprehensive plan and community development ordinances.

Members: 9

Length of Term: 4 years. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms.

Metzger Park Advisory Board (MPAB) (1 vacancy; 5 terms to expire 6/30/09)

Description: Maintains a proud tradition of overseeing the only park in the County supported through a Local Improvement District. The Board plans and helps with park maintenance needs, deals with the administrative issues involved in running an active urban park.

Members: 9 who own property within the Metzger Park Local Improvement District.

Length of Term: 3 years

The application deadline is June 8, 2009 or when all vacancies are filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the website or by calling (503) 846-8685. Descriptions of all the boards can also be found on the website:

Boards, committees, and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances or establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. Members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works.

Media Contact:

Marian Larkin, Sr. Administrative Specialist
(503) 846-8685
[email protected]