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City-County Earthquake Drill

Washington County and the City of Hillsboro plan to conduct separate earthquake drills Friday morning, April 24. The exercises are among several preparedness activities occurring throughout Oregon as part of National Earthquake Awareness Month.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sponsored by: County Administrative Office

Hillsboro and Washington County to Conduct Earthquake Drill Friday Morning

Washington County and the City of Hillsboro plan to conduct separate earthquake drills Friday morning, April 24. The exercises are among several preparedness activities occurring throughout Oregon as part of National Earthquake Awareness Month.

After a brief announcement, employees and the public in county and city buildings will be asked to "drop, cover and hold on" for a few minutes in response to a simulated quake. Employees and members of the public in some government buildings will then be required to evacuate.

The entire drill, including evacuations of some facilities, is expected to last no more than 30 minutes. The public will not be able to access certain buildings during the exercise.

State geologists warn that very large earthquakes have occurred repeatedly in Oregon, most recently about 300 years ago in January 1700. The best available evidence indicates that these earthquakes occur, on average, every 500 to 600 years, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

During an earthquake, citizens should:

  • Drop -- Drop down to the floor. Do not stand under doorways for protection. Many offices have false ceilings and door jams that may sway and collapse.
  • Cover -- Take cover under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture that is not likely to tip over. If that is not possible, seek cover against an interior wall and protect your head with your arms. Avoid dangerous spots near windows, hanging objects, mirrors and tall furniture.
  • Hold On -- Hold on to a sturdy piece of furniture and be prepared to move with it. Hold on until the ground stops shaking and it is safe to move.

After an earthquake:

  • Check for injuries and provide first aid (if trained).
  • Do not use the phones unless you are reporting an emergency.
  • Do not evacuate buildings unless the alarm sounds or you are directed to do so. When evacuating, remember to use the stairs, not elevators.
  • Be aware of falling debris and electrical wires as you exit.
  • Be careful to avoid fallen glass and other debris on the ground.

Washington County and the City of Hillsboro urge the public to prepare for earthquakes and other situations that could impair the immediate delivery of public services. More information about individual and family preparedness can be found at:

Barbara Simon, City of Hillsboro, (503) 681-6139

Media Contact:

Philip Bransford, Washington County
(503) 846-8685