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A 2018 Update from Your CPO 15 Steering Committee

CPO 15 upcoming meetings update from the CPO 15 Steering Committee.
News article
Release date: 01/02/2018
Sponsored by: County Administrative Office

Happy New Year to all our neighbors in the Blooming and Fern Hill communities! Here is a quick meeting recap and update on what's coming in 2018.

CPO 15 receives accolades on its November homelessness forum!

County Commissioner Bob Terry

Our joint November forum, Homelessness - A Rural Discussion, was a huge success. County Commissioner Bob Terry applauded the efforts of CPO 10 and CPO 15, and cited the event as an example of what he sees as an effective role of the CPOs and an illustration of a great program. He said it was the most well attended CPO meeting he has seen to date. One of the forum's presenters, Brian Schimmel, produced a wonderful, informative video of the forum. This video gives you practical information about how you can help the local programs helping the homeless and what you can do if you encounter homeless people on our rural properties. It is a good use of an hour to watch this video.

CPO 15 is not holding a January meeting.

So many people attended the November forum, that everyone gets a holiday from the CPO meeting in January!

A County Commissioner candidates forum is coming in March.

CPO 15 will co-host a candidates forum for the District 4 County Commissioner seat. In addition, the CCI (Committee for Community Involvement, made up of representatives from every CPO) is organizing two candidates forums for the County Chair race in April. CPO 15 members are encouraged to attend! These dates will be advertised as soon as they are set.

Looking for opportunities to volunteer in your community?
Consider a leadership role with CPO 15!

CPO 15 has long been very active under founder Betty Rose's leadership. More recently, a team that includes Megan Stenberg, Paul Johnson, Betty Rose, and Peggy Harris have provided leadership to the CPO. Although we have new Steering Committee, we need more community members who to bring life and vitality to CPO 15, posed ready to respond to any important issues that arise in the Blooming and Fern Hill communities.

When problems or issues arise in our CPO area, CPO 15 is a vital link to keeping our community well-informed. Please contact Kari Herinckx, Community Engagement Program Coordinator, at 503-846-6283, to learn more about your role as a volunteer CPO leader. CPO 15 meets only five times a year in January, March, May, September, and November on the third Wednesday of the month at the Forest Hills Golf Club. The programs are easy to arrange, and the Community Engagement Program Coordinators can help us organize the meetings. The Forest Hills Golf Club generously hosts our meetings. Come join us to help keep CPO 15 alive!

~ Your CPO 15 Steering Committee