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Choice Program

Washington County staff help connect services to adults with severe mental illness. This page provides more information and benefits of the Choice program.

Choice is a program that helps adults with complex needs. The goal is to help people with severe mental illness stay in their community of choice, in the lowest level of care possible. Program staff often help people who have been committed and are in the state hospital. They provide support and advocacy as people transition back into their home communities.

Choice staff do not provide treatment, instead they help coordinate the services a person needs. County staff work with treatment providers and other supports to make sure services center on the client’s goals and preferences. Our staff are experts on the community system of care.

Most people eligible for Choice services are in high levels of care such as mental health residential treatment or the state hospital. You must be a resident of Washington County, or in the process of relocating to Washington County, to be eligible for services.

To learn more about the Choice program, please call 503-846-4528.

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