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Statement on Intel Restructuring Announcement

Statement from Chair Andy Duyck of the Washington County Board of Commissioners
News article
Release date: 04/19/2016
Sponsored by: Board of Commissioners

We appreciate the challenges Intel is facing as a global leader in the competitive marketplace for advanced technology. In fact, this is not the first time we have heard announcements about corporate restructuring over our four decades of experience with Intel in Oregon.

At this point, we do not know the details about how Intel's global announcement might affect their Oregon operations. That said, Intel has indicated to us that they plan to continue investing in Oregon, investment we welcome and are well-positioned to receive.

It is important to remember that Oregon remains the center for Intel's largest research and development operation in the world. With 19,500 employees, Intel's economic impact can be felt throughout Oregon and represents 25 cents of every payroll dollar circulating in Washington County. This investment is contributing to the lowest unemployment rate – 3.9 percent – our county has seen since the year 2000.


[Note: More information about Intel's property tax payments and the most recent Strategic Investment Program agreement with Washington County and the City of Hillsboro can be found here.]

Media Contact:

Philip Bransford, Communications Officer
[email protected]