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County Boards Seek Candidates - January

The following boards are currently seeking applicants.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Friday, January 27, 2012

Sponsored by: Board of Commissioners

County Boards Seek Candidates

The following boards are currently seeking applications for new members:

Behavioral Health Council – 10 vacancies
Identifies community needs, recommends funding priorities and helps select and evaluate service providers. The County's emphasis on contracting with community agencies for social services makes the work of this volunteer advisory council critical.
Number of Members: Fifteen members including recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives and lay citizens. Members are residents of the county or have work interests in the county.
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month
Meeting Times: Fourth Wednesday, 9:00 am.
Term Length: 3 years
Staff Contact: Kim Burgess
Health and Human Services (503) 846-8881
Commission on Children and Families (CCF) – 4 vacancies
The Washington County Commission on Children and Families is part of a statewide network of commissions. The State Commission sets broad policy direction and determines county allocations. Each local county commission on children and families must, by statute, unite diverse community partners in the creation of a comprehensive plan for children and families. In addition to recommending funding for key services for children and families, the Commission administers a small grants fund to support the development of assets in the community.
Number of Members: Fifteen members who represent the geographic and cultural diversity of the county. They should bring expertise and knowledge about the developmental states of childhood and adolescence, and issues facing children and families. At least eight of the members must be lay citizens who do not derive income from children and family services.
Time Commitment: 5 to 10 hours per month
Meeting Times: Third Thursday of every month, 6:00 pm
Term Length: 4 years
Staff Contact: Diana Stotz
Health and Human Services (503) 846-4539
Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) - 3 vacancies
Providing affordable housing in Washington County is a formidable job. Nine representatives from real estate, banking, building, agriculture, employment, public housing and neighborhoods help the Housing Services Department and the Board of Commissioners with this task.
Number of Members: Nine members representing various interest groups. These include Housing Authority rental assistance program participants, elderly and minority, agricultural/farm worker community, real estate or finance, social service organizations, legal and two at-large members.
Time Commitment: 4 hours per month
Meeting Times: Fourth Thursday of every month, 9:00 am
Term Length: 3 years
Staff Contact: Val Valfre
Housing Services (503) 846-4794
Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) - 2 vacancies
Description: One by-product of our rapidly growing community is a tremendous amount of waste. Questions about what to do with it are tackled by the nine-member Solid Waste Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on solid waste and recycling policy and program issues.
Number of Members: Nine, six members representing the public; three members of the solid waste collection and disposal industry, each with not less than five years of experience in collecting, transportation or storage of garbage, waste and solid waste within the State of Oregon. One member or employee of the Health Department who shall be a non-voting member.
Time Commitment: Minimum one meeting per year
Meeting Times: Second Thursday of every month, 10:00 a.m.
Term Length: 5 years
Staff Contact: Theresa Koppang
Health and Human Services (503) 846-8881
Boards, committees and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances or establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works.
To learn more, visit the Boards and Commissions web page and download an application.

Media Contact:

Terra Lovelin, Sr. Administrative Specialist
[email protected]