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Boards and Commissions Vacancies - Spring 2018

Vacancies - Spring 2018
Media release

For Immediate Release: Monday, March 05, 2018

Sponsored by: Board of Commissioners

Per Board of Commissioners procedures, the County Administrative Office will solicit applications from individuals for a six-week period. Staff will keep the Commissioners apprised of applications received and of approaching deadlines.

As specified in the revised "Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Process," there will be an opportunity for the Board to discuss appointments at a worksession prior to scheduling any formal action.

Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council – 3 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Planning for future services and reviewing current programs are two key roles for these 13 volunteers. Their community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing seniors and veterans make them an invaluable resource for Washington County Disability, Aging & Veterans' Services and the Board of Commissioners. The Council advises the department on policy, programs, and actions affecting the delivery of services and generally serves as an advocate for veterans and the elderly.
Member Description: Thirteen members including: consumers over age 60, Minority, an elected official, Veterans Healthcare Provider, Veterans Provider, General Public, under 60 veteran and Rural
Term: 3 years
Time Commitment: 5 to 10 hours per month
Meetings: Usually the third Thursday of every other month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Contact: Janet Long, (503) 846-3081

Audit Committee – 3 positions available now and 2 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Independent oversight is critical to the effectiveness of financial statement audits. The Audit Committee monitors audits of the County's finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals help prevent an excessive reliance on the expertise of the external auditor.
Member Description: Five members who are knowledgeable of accounting and auditing as demonstrated by professional employment in accounting, auditing, or finance, including one appointee from the membership of the Board of County Commissioners.
Term: 2 years
Time Commitment: The two meetings are scheduled for 90-minutes each and can run shorter (most likely) or longer (less likely). So total time commitment is three hours.
Meetings: One meeting after the start of the fiscal year (July) and prior to the start of field work (October). The second meeting is in January after the CAFR is issued and prior to the Board accepting the financial statements at their first meeting in February.
Contact: Mary Gruss, (503) 846-8756

Behavioral Health Council – 1 available after May 31, 2018

Description: Identifies community needs, recommends funding priorities, and helps select and evaluate service providers. The County's emphasis on contracting with community agencies for social services makes the work of this volunteer advisory council critical.
Member Description: Comprised of nineteen members including recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens. Members are residents of the county or have work interests in the county.
Term: 3 years
Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours per month
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Contact: Aika Fallstrom, (503) 846-3131

Board of Property Tax Appeals – 1 position available now and 4 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: State law established the Board of Property Tax Appeals to consider taxpayer petitions challenging real market value, maximum assessed, specially assessed and assessed value as determined by the County Assessor. The Board also considers requests to excuse penalties assessed for the late filing of real and personal property returns.
Member Description: Five members who are residents of the county and are not employees of the County or any taxing district within the county. Qualifications include knowledge of real estate, appraisal and assessment practices, patience, understanding and a sense of civic responsibility.
Term: 1 year
Time Commitment: Typically 25 to 30 days of hearings February-April; Board Members must be able to commit a minimum of five to ten days, and a one-day training conducted by the Oregon Department of Revenue.
Contact: Teresa Eakin, (503) 846-3907

Civil Service Commission – 2 positions available after May 31, 2018

Description: The Civil Service Commission is comprised of five volunteers, one from each of the Commissioner districts, who provide a third-party review of the County's employment practices. The Civil Service Commission is the appeal board for Washington County employees and candidates for employment. Employees and candidates for employment may appeal to the Civil Service Commission adverse personnel management decisions such as appointments, disciplinary actions and classification allocations. The Commission hears and decides appeals by employees and candidates for employment.
Member Description: Five members who are registered voters within the county. No member of the Commission shall be a member of the governing body or an employee of the County or Clean Water Services except that any Commissioner may serve as a member of any other civil service commission.
Term: 2 years
Time Commitment: Quarterly meetings, others as necessary
Contact: Steve Sanford, (503) 846-4472

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council – 4 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Reviews, advises and makes policy and operational/technical recommendations related to improving the delivery of emergency medical services in Washington County, to the County EMS Office and the Board of Commissioners
Member Description: The twelve (12) voting members shall be decision makers for their respective disciplines. The Council is advisory in nature. Its advice and recommendations are based on and dependent on the open and transparent intent of the Council and good faith participation of the operational providers.
Term: 3 years
Meetings: Minimum of six meetings per year
Contact: Jonathan Chin, (503) 846-4956

Homeless Plan Advisory Committee (HPAC) – 1 position for Entitlement/Mainstream available now

Description: HPAC shall provide oversight to the implementation of the plan and leadership in the development of additional resources to meet the ambitious goals of A Road Home: 10-year Plan to End Homelessness. Work will include reviewing the annual Work Plan, recommendations to the Housing and Supportive Services Network, increasing public awareness, recruiting community partners to implement the plan, advocating for additional public and private funding and resources to implement the goals of the plan.
Member Description: The 17-member committee includes a representatives from each of the following categories: Washington County Commissioner official, a mayor or city councilor, philanthropy, business, Housing Authority of Washington County, a nonprofit housing provider, a nonprofit service provider, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Community Corrections, state or federal entitlement/mainstream resource programs, a representative from the two major hospitals, a representative from the faith community, 3 citizens at-large and a homeless/formerly homeless consumer.
Term: 3 years,
Contact: Annette Evans, (503) 846-4760

Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) – 2 positions for a Housing Authority Representative and Member-at-Large available now

Description: Providing affordable housing in Washington County is a formidable job. It is the mission of the HAC to advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors on housing goals policies, to review and recommend actions on the budgets of the Housing Authority, to advise regarding the community’s needs for low-income housing, and to recommend resources and programs available to address those needs.
Member Description: Fifteen members representing various groups, to include:
• Two (2) Members being assisted by the Housing Authority;
• One (1) Member involved in the Finance profession;
• One (1) Member representative of the Elderly;
• One (1) Member representative of Minority Groups;
• One (1) Member drawn from officials of Social Service organizations;
• One (1) Member drawn from either Design/Architectural/Engineer professions;
• One (1) Member drawn from Real Estate/Development/Construction;
• One (1) Member involved in Urban and Regional Planning;
• One (1) Member involved in Property Management;
• One (1) Member representing Veterans; and
• Four (4) Members at large.
Term: 4 Years
Time Commitment: 2 hours (minimum) each month
Meetings: Fourth Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
Contact: Komi Kalevor, (503) 846-4755

Metzger Park Local Improvement District Advisory Board – 2 positions available now and 5 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Maintains a proud tradition of overseeing the only park in the County supported through a Local Improvement District. The Board plans and helps with park maintenance needs, deals with the administrative issues involved in running an active urban park.
Member Description: Nine members (seven regular and two alternates) who own property within the Metzger Park Local Improvement District.
Term: 3 years
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month
Meetings: Fourth Monday at 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Carl Switzer, (503) 207-8760

North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee – 1 position available now and 4 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Reviews the proposed budget developed for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads in unincorporated Washington County.
Member Description: The Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. The five residents must live in the North Bethany CSDR.
Term: 3 years
Time Commitment: Approximately 6 hours every May; some other meetings are possible
Meetings: One two-hour meeting the second Tuesday in May to receive the proposed budget; staff does an overview of the budget via a PowerPoint presentation. The second meeting is a public hearing on a Thursday morning the week after the first meeting. This meeting typically takes the better part of the morning. The start time is 8:30 a.m., presentations from the Sheriff's Office and Land Use & Transportation are given, and there is a time certain at 10:30 a.m. when the public can testify. Upon completion of the staff presentations and any public testimony, the Budget Committee is asked to consider approving the proposed budget. There are some years when additional meeting(s) with the Budget Committee take place prior to the May meetings. These meetings are publicly noticed.
Contact: Mary Gruss, (503) 846-8756

Park and Recreation Advisory Board – 3 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Provides advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park / Henry Hagg Lake.
Member Description: Nine members who are residents of the county. Traditionally members appointed from all Commissioner Districts.
Term: 3 years
Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours, 6 times per year
Meetings: Third Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
Contact: Carl Switzer, (503) 207-8760

West Slope Community Library Advisory Board – 4 positions available after June 30, 2018

Description: Advises on library policy in matters of hiring, budget, materials selection, hours of service; assists with fund raising and volunteer program; represents the library on the Cooperative Library Advisory Board.
Member Description: Five members who are registered users of the West Slope Library.
Term: 3 years
Meetings: 6 times per year; third Thursday of every month, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Contact: Lisa Tattersall, (503) 846-3233

The application deadline is April 17, 2018 or open until filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Boards and Commissions website.

Boards, committees and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works.

Media Contact:

Ana Noyola, Management Analyst I
(503) 846-2940
[email protected]