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Boards and Commissions Vacancies Fall 2022

Boards and Commissions Vacancies for Fall 2022
News article

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Per Board of Commissioners procedures, the County Administrative Office will solicit applications from individuals for a six-week period. Staff will keep the Commissioners apprised of applications received and of approaching deadlines.

As specified in the revised "Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Process," there will be an opportunity for the Board to discuss appointments at a worksession prior to scheduling any formal action.

Aging and Veteran Services Advisory Council – 10 positions available now

Description: Planning for future services and reviewing current programs are two key roles for these 19 volunteers (13 regular and 6 alternate members). Their community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing older adults and veterans make them an invaluable resource for Washington County Disability, Aging & Veteran Services and the Board of Commissioners. The Council advises the department on policy, programs, and actions affecting the delivery of services and generally serves as an advocate for older adults, veterans and people with physical disabilities.

Member Description: Nineteen members (13 regular and 6 alternate) including: people over age 60, family caregivers, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, an elected official, veterans of any age, members of the public, participants or providers of Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: 5 to 8hours per month

Meetings: Usually the third Thursday of every other month, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Contact: Janet Long (503)846-3081

Audit Committee – 2 positions available now and 1 position available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: Independent oversight is critical to the effectiveness of financial statement audits. The Audit Committee monitors audits of the County's finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals help prevent an excessive reliance on the expertise of the external auditor.

Member Description: The Audit Committee shall be comprised of not less than 5 and not more than 9 members appointed by the BCC. One member shall be appointed from the membership of the BCC. No employee of the County shall be appointed to the committee. No appointee shall have any direct business relationship with the County. All community members of Washington County are welcome to apply for the appointment to the Audit Committee. The majority and at least four of the appointees to the committee shall be knowledgeable in accounting and auditing practices as demonstrated by personal or professional experiences in auditing, accounting, or finance. A quorum is represented by a majority of the appointed committee members. Any formal action will be taken by a majority vote by a quorum of the membership. In the event that urgent business must be transacted between regularly scheduled meetings a vote of the membership may be taken by electronic mail.

Members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years or less. Each term shall start July 1 of the applicable year. Members shall be appointed to achieve staggered three (3) year terms. The Audit Committee shall annually elect one member to serve as chairperson. The Audit Committee shall adopt by-laws or operational guidelines as it deems appropriate, consistent with adopted County policies.

The County’s Chief Financial Officer and staff in the Department of Support Services Finance Division shall serve as staff support to the Audit Committee.

Term: 3 Years

Time Commitment: The two meetings are scheduled for 90-minutes each and can run shorter (most likely) or longer (less likely). So total time commitment is three hours.

Meetings: One meeting after the start of the fiscal year (July) and prior to the start of field work (October). The second meeting is in January after the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is issued and prior to the Board accepting the financial statements at their first meeting in February.

Contact: Roger Dawes or Ethel Gallares (503) 846-8004, (503) 846-8414

Behavioral Health Council – 1 position available now

Description: The Behavioral Health Council advises the Behavioral Health Division, and identifies community needs, recommends funding priorities, and helps select and evaluate service providers. The County's emphasis on contracting with community agencies for social services makes the work of this volunteer advisory council critical.

Member Description: Comprised of nineteen members including recipients of service, advocates, professionals in the field, key referral sources, provider representatives, and lay citizens. Members are residents of the county or have work interests in the county.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours per month

Meetings: Fourth Wednesday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Contact: Aika Fallstrom (503) 846-4576

Board of Property Tax Appeals – 6 position available now

Description: As a member of the Board of Property Tax Appeals you will weigh evidence provided by taxpayers and the County Assessor to determine a property’s value. The role of the board is key to maintaining a fair and equitable property tax system. Hearings take place in a public meeting setting.

Member Description: You must be a resident of Washington County who doesn’t work for the county or any other taxing district within the county (schools, cities, fire departments, Metro, etc.). You should have knowledge of real estate, appraisal, and/or Oregon property tax laws, though you don’t have to be an expert. Training will be provided.

Membership on the board is an important position that involves some technical knowledge but also critical thinking skills, patience, and understanding.

We are eager and committed to appointing individuals with a variety of multi-cultural experiences that reflect the many and diverse communities of Washington County. Term: 1 year

Meetings: TBD

Contact: Angi Duyck, Adrian Strom (503) 846-3915, (503) 846-3914

Columbia Pacific Economic Development District (Col-Pac) – 2 positions available now

Description: The Columbia-Pacific Economic Development District (Col-Pac) is a private non-profit organization established to assist in diversifying and strengthening the economy and livability of Northwest Oregon. The District covers all of Clatsop, Columbia, and Tillamook counties and the western part of Washington County (including Banks, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, and North Plains).

Col-Pac’s mission is to promote and sustain healthy communities in the district through retention, diversification and expansion of the economic base. The goal is healthy and thriving communities. A strong and diversified economic base that provides family-wage jobs is a significant component and contributor to healthy communities. Col-Pac's economic development activities focus on blending the natural resource-based industries in the region with new economic development opportunities that historically have not been part of the area's economy.

As an economic development district, Col-Pac provides capacity building, coordination and establishment of basic economic development foundation building tools for NW Oregon.

Member Description: Governed by a 17-member volunteer Board of Directors, Col-Pac consists of local public and private leaders including representatives from county commissions, cities, ports, the private sector, workforce, and the minority community. Col-Pac also has a seven member Loan Administration Board that oversees the District's Revolving Loan Fund.

Term: 2 years

Meetings: March of each year

Contact: Matt Craigie 503-846-8295

Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District/Urban Road Maintenance District Budget Committee (ESPD/URMD) – 3 positions available now

Description: Reviews the proposed budget developed for the Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District and the Urban Road Maintenance District in unincorporated Washington County.

Member Description: Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. Each County Commissioner appoints one member. The five residents must live within the ESPD boundaries.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: Approximately one three-hour meeting in April and four three-hour meetings during April and May that total 12-16 hours; additional meetings may be added.

Meetings: Approximately one three-hour meeting in April and four three-hour meetings during April and May that total 12-16 hours; additional meetings may be added.

Meetings: One three-hour evening the first week of April as budget committee orientation and two three-hour evening meetings the third week in May to receive the proposed budget; staff does an overview of the budget via a PowerPoint presentation. The start time is 5:30 p.m., presentations from the 1) Public Safety and Justice 2) Land Use & Transportation (including Capital, URMD, SDL No.1 and North Bethany Service District for Roads) are given. The second meeting is a public hearing on a Thursday evening one week after the first meetings. This public hearing is an afternoon – evening meeting and there is a time certain at 7:00 p.m. when the public can testify. Upon completion of the staff presentations and any public testimony, the Budget Committee is asked to consider approving the proposed budget. There are some years when additional meeting(s) with the Budget Committee take place prior to the May meetings. These meetings are publicly noticed.

Contact: Greg Munn (503) 846-8685

Fair Board – 1 position available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Fair Board’s primary function is to oversee the planning, preparation and production of the County Fair. The Fair Board will develop both short- and long-term plans for the promotion and production of the County Fair and provide input to the County’s Facilities Maintenance Plan of the Fairgrounds.

Member Description: The Fair Board is comprised of seven members that are selected from a variety of interests determined by the Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to: Agriculture, Livestock, Youth/Education, Exhibitors/Vendors, Urban Agriculture. In lieu of a citizen representative, one member may be from the Board of Commissioners.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours per month

Meetings: First Wednesday of every other month, 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Contact: Leah Perkins-Hagele (503)648-1416

Fairgrounds Advisory Committee – 1 position available now and 3 positions available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Fairgrounds Advisory Committee provides input on the priorities and development of the Fairgrounds Master Plan, and other plans including: capital projects, maintenance, non-fair marketing and other strategic initiatives. As advocates, this committee works with local partners and the community at-large to communicate and encourage participation in Fairground developments.

Member Description: Nine members who represent the county geographically and in fields of interest or occupation. Two members are ex officio: a member of the Board of Commissioners and the President of the Fair Board (or designee)

Term: 3 Years

Time Commitment: TBD

Meetings: TBD Contact: Leah Perkins-Hagele (503)648-1416

Farm Board of Review – 2 positions available now

Description: The Farm Board of Review is an advisory panel to the County assessor. The Board members meet every other year to inform the Assessor on farmland rents and additional information, which determines farmland valuation for property taxation in Oregon. The Board member's community ties and personal or professional familiarity with agricultural land rents and current farming practices make them an invaluable resource for Washington County's Department of Assessment & Taxation. Washington County encourages and supports diversity and inclusivity on the Farm Board that represents the community we serve.

Member Description: The Board consists of five residents of Washington County. The Board of Commissioners appoints two members, and the County Tax Assessor appoints two. The other four members appoint the fifth member.

Term: 2 years

Contact: Garrison Winkle-Bryan (503) 846-3929

Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee – 1 position available now

Description: A coordinated countywide program intended to ensure the safe, economical and efficient collection, storage, transportation and disposal of garbage and recycling, and to ensure adequate standards of service for the garbage and recycling system. To assist the Board in achieving these objectives, the Board has appointed this advisory committee to make recommendations on garbage and recycling decisions and programs that impact all users of the garbage and recycling system.

Member Description: Ten members including: eight members representing the public, one member representing the garbage and recycling industry, and one representative of the County's Department of Health and Human Services (a non-voting committee member).

Term: 4 Years

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours per month

Meetings: Second Thursday, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Contact: Thomas Egleston (503) 846-3665

Homeless Plan Advisory Committee (HPAC) – 1 position available now and 6 positions available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Homeless Plan Advisory Committee is comprised of members who have authority within their agency/jurisdiction to make policy and budget decisions that impact the community’s housing and supportive services system. The Committee provides high-level oversight to the implementation of A Road Home: Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness and the Local Implementation Plans, encourage collaborative partnership building, provide guidance to the annual Department of Housing Services Work Plan, work to create resources and funding, and promote and sustain the vision through leadership in developing new ways of addressing the needs in the community. The HPAC advises the county Department of Housing Services Staff, the Director of Housing Services, the County Administrator, and the Board of County Commissioners for Washington County.

Member Description: The 17-member committee includes a representative from each of the following categories: Washington County Commissioner official, a mayor or city councilor, philanthropy, business, Housing Authority of Washington County, a nonprofit housing provider, a nonprofit service provider, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Washington County Community Corrections, state or federal public benefits & resource programs, a representative from the two major hospitals, a representative from the faith-based community, 3 community member at-large and an individual with lived experience.

Term: 3 years

Contact: Ty Schwoeffermann (503) 846-6288

Housing Advisory Committee (HAC) – 2 positions available now

Description: Providing affordable housing in Washington County is a formidable job. It is the mission of the HAC to advise the Housing Authority Board of Directors on housing goals policies, to review and recommend actions on the budgets of the Housing Authority, to advise regarding the community’s needs for low-income housing, and to recommend resources and programs available to address those needs.

Member Description: Fifteen members representing various groups, to include:

• Two (2) Members being assisted by the Housing Authority;

• One (1) Member involved in the Finance profession;

• One (1) Member representative of the Elderly;

• One (1) Member representative of Minority Groups;

• One (1) Member drawn from officials of Social Service organizations;

• One (1) Member drawn from either Design/Architectural/Engineer professions;

• One (1) Member drawn from Real Estate/Development/Construction;

• One (1) Member involved in Urban and Regional Planning;

• One (1) Member involved in Property Management;

• One (1) Member representing Veterans; and

• Four (4) Members at large.


Term: 4 Years

Time Commitment: 2 hours (minimum) each month

Meetings: Fourth Thursday at 9:00 a.m.

Contact: Jacob Boyett and Melissa Sonsalla (971) 392-5579 and (503) 268-3215

Housing Authority Board of Directors – 1 position available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Housing Authority of Washington County is the legal entity that owns properties; and the Department of Housing Services is the County agency that operates the programs, works with developers and provides services to meet the housing needs of low-income people in Washington County.

Facing ongoing reductions in federal housing support, the Housing Authority of Washington County and Department of Housing Services will continue to expand their entrepreneurial approach to funding low-income and affordable housing in Washington County. Partnerships are a key to the success of this work.

Member Description: The Housing Authority of Washington County Board of Directors is made up of the members of the Washington County Board of Commissioners plus two additional members: one member who is a resident assisted by the Housing Authority (Public Housing or Voucher program), and one At-Large position.

Term: 4 Years

Time Commitment: 1 hour per month.

Meetings: The first Tuesday of each month, as necessary.

Contact: Jacob Boyett and Melissa Sonsalla (971) 392-5579 and (503) 268-3215

Metzger Park Local Improvement District Advisory Board – 7 positions available now

Description: Maintains a proud tradition of overseeing the only park in the County supported through a Local Improvement District. The Board plans and helps with park maintenance needs, deals with the administrative issues involved in running an active urban park.

Member Description: Nine members (seven regular and two alternates) who own property within the Metzger Park Local Improvement District.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month, 4 times per year

Meetings: Fourth Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Contact: Carl Switzer (503) 846-7001

North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee – 1 position available now

Description: Reviews the proposed budget developed for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads in unincorporated Washington County.

Member Description: The Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. The five residents must live in the North Bethany CSDR.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: Approximately one three-hour meeting in April and four three-hour meetings every May that total 12-16 hours; additional meetings may be added.

Meetings: One three-hour meeting the first week of April as budget committee orientation and one three-hour evening meeting the third week in May to receive the proposed budget; staff does an overview of the budget via a PowerPoint presentation. The start time is 5:30 p.m., presentations from Land Use & Transportation are given. The second meeting is a public hearing on a Thursday evening one week after the first meetings. This public hearing is an afternoon-evening meeting and there is a time certain at 7:00 p.m. when the public can testify. Upon completion of the staff presentations and any public testimony, the Budget Committee is asked to consider approving the proposed budget. There are some years when additional meeting(s) with the Budget Committee take place prior to the May meetings. These meetings are publicly noticed.

Contact: Greg Munn (503) 846-8685

Northwest Area Commission on Transportation (NWACT) – 1 position available now

Description: NWACT is an advisory body chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission. NWACT addresses all aspects of transportation (surface, marine, air, and transportation safety) with primary focus on the state transportation system. NWACT considers regional and local transportation issues in northwest Oregon that affect the state system.

NWACT plays a key advisory role in the development of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which schedules funded transportation projects. NWACT establishes a public process for area project selection priorities for the STIP. Through that process, they prioritize transportation problems and solutions and recommend projects in their area to be included in the STIP.

Boundaries include: The entirety of Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties and the western portion of Washington County including the cities of Banks and Gaston. The Washington County area includes Highway 47 to the southern city limits of Gaston excluding the city of Forest Grove, the east on US 26 and including the Dersham Rd interchange.

Member Description: Two Citizen-At-Large representing western Washington County (including Banks and Gaston), selected by the county’s commissioners. Members are non-elected citizens selected from private interests including but not limited to freight, trucking, bicycle, pedestrian, public transportation system, public interest advocacy groups, environmental, land use, local citizens, business, education, minority organizations, public safety providers, non-profit organizations, etc.

Term: 2 years

Time Commitment: 1 to 2 hours per month

Meetings: Fourth Monday, 7:00 p.m.

Contact: Christina Deffebach 503-846-3406

Park and Recreation Advisory Board – 4 positions available now

Description: Provides advice on the maintenance, operations, and capital development needs of County parks, including Scoggins Valley Park / Henry Hagg Lake.

Member Description: Nine members who are residents of the county. Traditionally members appointed from all Commissioner districts.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: 2 to 3 hours, 6 times per year

Meetings: Third Thursday, 7:00 p.m.

Contact: Carl Switzer (503) 846-7001

Planning Commission – 2 positions available after Jan 31, 2023

Description: These nine appointed volunteers advise the Board of County Commissioners on technical land use and transportation planning issues. They conduct public hearings, make final decisions on some changes to land use plans, and convey recommendations to the Board on changes to the Comprehensive Plan, including the Community Development Code. Planning Commission meetings are scheduled twice a month, on the first Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., and typically run three hours. In addition, members are expected to dedicate about five to ten hours per month outside of these meetings to read and understand proposed ordinances and other materials provided by staff. Some knowledge of the Oregon land use planning system is helpful.

Member Description: Members must be residents of the county. Generally, two members are appointed by each Commissioner, and one by the Board Chair as an At-large appointment. No more than two members can be engaged principally in the buying, selling, or development of real estate. No more than two members can be engaged in the same occupation. Some knowledge of the Oregon land use planning system is helpful.

Term: 4 years

Time Commitment: Meetings typically run three hours. In addition, members are expected to dedicate about five to ten hours per month outside of meetings to read and understand proposed ordinances and other materials provided by staff.

Meetings: First Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. and third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Contact: Todd Borkowitz (503) 846-3593

Public Health Advisory Council – 1 position available now and 3 positions available after Jan 31, 2023

Description: The Washington County Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC) has been appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners to fulfill any federal and state-mandated responsibilities and to advise the Board of Commissioners in its role as the Board of Health for Washington County. The Washington County Public Health Advisory Council will make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and the Public Health Division Manager to improve the health and well-being of everyone in Washington County.

Member Description: The Council shall consist of a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 17 members representing many dimensions of the community and one non-appointed, non-voting position from the Washington County Board of Commissioners. The Public Health Advisory Council membership will seek to represent the whole community; members of communities that experience health and social inequities will be given preference for membership on the Council.

Term: 4 years

Time Commitment: 2 hours monthly

Meetings: At least 10 times annually; on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30

Contact: Vivianna Lindley (503) 846-8246

Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) –3 positions available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Public Safety Coordinating Council is a statutorily mandated committee convened by the Washington County Board of Commissioners for the purpose of developing and recommending plans for the use of state resources respective to the coordination of local criminal justice and juvenile justice policy. Collaborative planning provides a countywide approach to enhancing communication and partnership among law enforcement, public safety, criminal justice agencies and the residents of the Washington County community. The developed plans include strategies to address prevention, treatment, education, employment resources and intervention services. The Public Safety Coordinating Council supports an overarching coordinated approach to public safety by reviewing emerging and best practices in policy development, restorative justice, racial and ethnic disparities in the system and community collaboration programs that maximize resources and minimize duplication. The plans supported by the Public Safety Coordinating Council are referred to the Board of County Commissioners for final approval.

Member Description: The Public Safety Coordinating Council is made up of 15 members required by statute, two of which are non-voting members. Three of the 15 positions are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Additional positions include the County Administrator and a member of the Bar Association, appointed by the presiding judge; and four additional lay community members preferably representatives from agencies that provide culturally specific services and/or members of communities of color, appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Please see Membership Matrix for members and their represented positions.

Term: 2 years

Time Commitment: 4 hours or less per month; slightly more when involved with subcommittees

Meetings: The Public Safety Coordinating Council meets six times per year; bimonthly beginning in January on the third Friday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM.

Meetings will be a Hybrid moving forward. Physical location will be the Sheriff's Office, 215 SW Adams Ave., Hillsboro in Training Rooms A&B located on the second floor.

If you would like to join via Zoom, link is below: pwd=d2ZKQkc3bDJtRFB6TDdEaUYycnhOQT09

Meeting ID: 892 0881 9985

Passcode: 406457

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 892 0881 9985

Passcode: 406457

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2022 Meeting Schedule

• January 21, 2022

• March 18, 2022

• May 20, 2022

• July 15, 2022

• September 16, 2022

• November 18, 2022

Contact: Erin Calvert (503) 846-8685

Rainbow Lane Special Road District Board – 1 position available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: The Rainbow Lane Special Road District was formed to provide a representing body that could make decisions regarding road maintenance issues on Rainbow Lane and Patricia Lane. These two roads are public roads, as opposed to County Roads, and are not eligible for gas tax and road fund expenditures, consequently their road maintenance must be funded by the adjoining and benefiting properties.

Member Description: Three members who are residents of the Rainbow Lane Special Road District. Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: TBD

Meetings: TBD

Contact: Sherri McFall (503) 846-7615

Rural Roads Operations and Maintenance Advisory Committee (RROMAC) – 2 positions available now and 3 positions available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: RROMAC studies rural road operations and maintenance concerns in Washington County, works with County staff to develop program and funding alternatives and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.

Member Description: Twelve members who reside or have business interests in the county, all of whom serve as regular members and are appointed by the Board of Commissioners. In addition, there are two ex-officio members: one Commissioner appointed by the Board of Commissioners, and the LUT Operations Division Manager. Members represent different groups with an interest in rural roads.

Term: 4 years

Time Commitment: Two hours per month

Meetings: Second Thursday, 7:30 a.m.

Contact: Sherri McFall (503) 846-7615

Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC) – 1 position available now and 1 position available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: URMDAC advises the Board and staff on matters related to road maintenance provided by the Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD). URMDAC reviews and makes recommendations regarding URMD's level of service and annual work program, assists in evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiency of URMD, assists in informing URMD activities and advises on continuation of URMD and/or other long-range funding opportunities for road maintenance.

Member Description: URMDAC is comprised of ten (10) residents of the Urban Road Maintenance District, all of whom serve as regular members and are appointed by the Board. In addition, there are two ex-officio members: one Commissioner appointed by the Board of Commissioners, and the LUT Operations Division Manager. Members represent different groups with an interest in roads within the Urban Road Maintenance District.

Term: 4 Years

Time Commitment: Two hours per month

Meetings: Third Wednesday, 3:45 p.m.

Contact: Sherri McFall (503) 846-7615

Washington County and SDL No.1 Budget Committee – 3 positions available now

Description: Reviews the proposed County budget submitted by the budget officer each fiscal year.

Member Description: Board of Commissioners plus five residents of the county. Each Commissioner/district is allocated an appointment, however the representative does not need to reside in the Commissioner's district.

Term: 3 years

Time Commitment: Approximately one three-hour meeting the first week in April and two three-hour meetings every May that total 12-16 hours; additional meetings may be added.

Meetings: One three-hour budget committee orientation meeting and one three-hour evening meeting the third week in May to receive the proposed budget; staff does an overview of the budget via a PowerPoint presentation. The start time is 5:30 p.m., presentations from Land Use & Transportation are given. The third meeting is a public hearing on a Thursday evening one week after the first meetings. This meeting typically takes the better part of three hours and there is a time certain at 7:00 p.m. when the public can testify. Upon completion of the staff presentations and any public testimony, the Budget Committee is asked to consider approving the proposed budget. There are some years when additional meeting(s) with the Budget Committee take place prior to the May meetings. These meetings are publicly noticed.

Contact: Greg Munn (503) 846-8685

Washington County Salary Commission – 6 positions available after Dec 31, 2022

Description: In November of 2020 Washington County voters approved a change to the County Charter, establishing an independent salary commission. The voluntary Washington County Salary Commission will consist of five human resource professionals and one alternate who will determine of salaries for Washington County Board of Commissioners.

Member Description: Human resource professionals with management level compensation experience, join us for a unique opportunity to help establish Washington County’s first Salary Commission. This is a voluntary position but there may be an opportunity for continuing education credits through the Society for Human Resource Management.

The Salary Commission members will be selected through an independent process that values cultural, geographic and sector diversity. A facilitator will be provided to assist the new Salary Commission but is not a voting member; decisions of the Salary Commission are independent of the Board of County Commissioners and County Administrator. Salary Commission members will determine the methodology to be used and on the operations of the Salary Commission. The facilitator will provide background and examples of approaches and work with County Administration staff to provide information sought by the members.

Term: 2 Years

Time Commitment: Appointments are for two-year terms but it is expected that once the Salary Commission reaches their conclusions (targeted date before the end of April) that the work by the Salary Commission is finished except for presentation to the public at a Board of County Commissioners meeting, normally accomplished by the Chair selected by the Salary Commission itself.

Meetings: Work of the Salary Commission is expected to start mid-January and will be conducted through virtual meetings on a schedule determined by the members. This may be weekly or biweekly for 2-3 hours at a time, tentatively through the end of April.

Contact: Steve March 503-846-8685

The application deadline is October 18, 2022 or open until filled. Applications may be obtained by visiting the Boards and Commissions website.

Boards, committees and commissions advise the Board of Commissioners on matters of interest to people who live and work in Washington County. Committees themselves do not pass ordinances to establish policy; their purpose is to study issues and make recommendations. Commission members are volunteers appointed by the County Board of Commissioners. In many cases, members must be residents of Washington County. Serving on an appointed board or commission is a great way for Washington County residents to participate in decisions that affect them and to learn more about how local government works.

Media Contact:

Tricia Kennedy, Senior Administrative Specialist
(503) 846-6284