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Agreement Approved

Strengthened partnership and clarified roles are part of a new agreement between the Fair Board and Board of County Commissioners.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sponsored by: Board of Commissioners

Board Approves Fair and Fairgrounds Agreement

The Board of County Commissioners unanimously adopted an agreement today with the Washington County Fair Board designed to clarify and reinforce their collaborative relationship in support of the annual Washington County fair event and fairgrounds property.

The agreement, which was approved by the Fair Board earlier this month, sets the framework for:

  • Strengthening the partnership among the Board of Commissioners, Fair Board, Fair Boosters, county staff and other interested parties;
  • Clarifying Fair Board and county roles and responsibilities and formalizing channels of communication and collaboration;
  • Focusing the energy, passion and expertise of the Fair Board on the production of the Fair event;
  • Optimizing operational efficiencies and leveraging the resources, staff and expertise of Washington County; and
  • Forming and providing staff support to the new Fairgrounds Development Advisory Committee. Once appointments are made, this advisory committee to the Board of Commissioners would provide input for updating and implementing the Fairgrounds Master Plan, Fairgrounds Capital Projects Plan and other major site-related initiatives.

"A couple years from now, if people work in good faith, we'll look back and say 'This was a great beginning on a newer, healthier, more effective process that will result in physical improvements in the grounds, better year-round marketing and a healthier and even better fair,'" said Board Chairman Tom Brian.

The adoption of the Fair and Fairgrounds Agreement culminates a 71-day process, including two rounds of public input during which the Board invited and agreed to suggested changes from members of the public about the proposed agreement. The full text of the final agreement can be found at

The Washington County fair event is held each year at the 101-acre County Fair Complex property located at the intersection of NE Cornell Road and NE 34th Avenue in Hillsboro.

Media Contact:

Philip Bransford, Communications Officer
(503) 846-8685
[email protected]