In November 2020, Washington County voters approved a change to the County Charter, establishing an independent salary commission responsible for determining salaries for the Board of County Commissioners. The Washington County Salary Commission is comprised of five members and one alternate who must be human resource professionals with management-level compensation experience.
New commission members will be selected through an independent process that values cultural, geographic and sector diversity. Although commissioners serve as volunteers in this position, there is an opportunity to earn continuing education credits through the Society for Human Resource Management.
Once recruitment is complete, members will set their own meeting schedule and conduct business virtually. Administrative support for meetings is provided to assist the Salary Commission in its work, along with a representative from the County Counsel’s Office to advise on legal matters. However, decisions of the Commission are independent of the Board of County Commissioners and County Administrator. Although appointments are for two-year terms, it is expected that once the Salary Commission reaches its conclusions (a targeted date before the end of April to meet budget development deadlines), their work will be finished after they provide a final public presentation at a Board of County Commissioners meeting.
To apply for membership on the Washington County Salary Commission, please fill out an application on our website.
For additional information, please contact Washington County Board Clerk Kevin Moss at 503-846-8685 or by email at [email protected].