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Washington and Multnomah county commissioners to select replacement for House District 34

Appointment to be made after resignation of former Oregon Representative Lisa Reynolds.
Media release
Logos for Washington County and Multnomah County

Following the resignation of former State Representative Lisa Reynolds on December 20, 2024, the boards of Washington and Multnomah Commissioners will hold a joint meeting on Wednesday, January 15, at 6:30 p.m. to interview candidates and select a replacement for the open position in House District 34.

Oregon law requires that a legislative vacancy be filled by county commissioners representing the district in which the vacancy exists. House District 34 includes voters in Washington and Multnomah counties. State law also requires that anyone appointed to fill the vacancy must have been a member of the same political party as the resigning legislator for at least 180 days prior to the vacancy.

In keeping with these state laws, the counties received the following list of nominees from the Oregon Democratic Party seeking the appointment. They are:

  • Alexandria Goddard
  • Mari Watanabe
  • Sarah Beachy

The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. virtually via zoom. Members of the public are welcome to attend. To watch and view the meeting, please click the link below to join the webinar:

Join via audio:

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Webinar ID: 879 4665 5639

The meeting will also be streamed live from Washington County’s YouTube Channel.

Members of the public may provide written comments about any of the nominees by sending them to Kevin Moss, Washington County Clerk to the Board, at [email protected] no later than noon on Monday, January 13, to be included in the record.

For those wishing to provide public comment at the January 15 meeting, please fill out this form on the Washington County website and label your testimony for the House District 34 Appointment meeting. The link to the form can be found here

Supporting documents and other information will be available at each board’s respective webpages:
Multnomah County Board of Commissioners
Washington County Board of Commissioners

Philip Bransford, Communications Officer, Washington County Administrative Office, 503-846-8685, [email protected]

Julie Sullivan-Springhetti, Multnomah County Communications Director, 503-502-2741, [email protected]