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County efforts to ensure advisory boards represent the racial/ethnic diversity of the County have "barely moved the needle"

Washington County Auditor reports County efforts to make advisory boards and commissions more representative of the racial/ethnic diversity of the County have "barely moved the needle."
Media release

Washington County is the most diverse county in the state. In February 2020, the Board of County Commissioners adopted an Equity Resolution in which it committed the County to "dismantling long-standing … practices that … historically created obstacles to the success of people of color [and] members of ethnic communities." The County Auditor examined the effectiveness of County efforts to diversify the membership of its appointed boards and commissions. County Auditor John Hutzler reported to the Board of County Commissioners at its November 29 meeting that its efforts to ensure membership reflects the racial diversity of the region have "barely moved the needle." Increases in the diversity of membership have barely kept pace with increases in the diversity of the County population. Commissioners received the Auditor's report without question or comment.

Auditor's presentation to the Board