

Click on the meeting name below to review the details of the meeting.


Information on Filing a Public Meetings Grievance 


Email Commissioners
Commissioner Look-Up


Contact Your County Commissioners
Mailing Address and Phone Number
155 N First Avenue, Suite 300, MS 21
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Tel: 503-846-8681


Other Resources:


Translation Services     

Servicios de Traducción     

翻译工作 (fānyì gōngzuò)     

번역 서비스 (beon-yeog seobiseu)


This meeting is for the Board of Commissioners to consider items on the agenda and take formal action.  Agendas are posted one (1) week prior to the meeting date. To provide testimony,



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Auditorium
155 North First Avenue, Suite 300, MS 21 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124. 



First and third Tuesday @ 10 am

Fourth Tuesday @ 6:30 pm

*Note - Meetings subject to change due to Boards schedule - Please refer to posted agenda for Date, Time and Location of meetings. 



Testimony Signup Form

Testimony Procedures

Request for Translation Services

Board Rules of Procedure



Assist Disability, Aging and Veteran Services in planning for future services and in ensuring current programs serve individuals with the greatest social and economic need. The 19 volunteers (13 regular and 6 alternate members) will have community ties and personal or professional familiarity with issues facing older adults, caregivers and veterans which make them an invaluable resource for Washington County. The Council advises Disability, Aging and Veteran Services on policy, programs, and actions affecting individuals with the greatest social and economic need and generally serves as an advocate for older adults and veterans.

Hybrid (In-Person and Virtual)


Usually the third Thursday of every other month, 9:00 am to 11:00 am




Apply to Serve


This meeting is for the Board of Commissioners to review, discuss and provide direction to staff on topics before taking action on items at a Regular Business meeting.  Community members observing these meetings should hold their comments and questions for a Regular Business meeting. Agendas are posted three (3) business days prior to the Work Session.


Second Tuesdays of the Month
The second Tuesday of each month is scheduled for in-depth discussion of broader, strategic policy issues. Accordingly, Board consideration/action on regularly scheduled agenda items normally set on the second Tuesday of each month will be held only if necessary to make decisions that, in the Board's judgment, cannot be reasonably held over to a regularly scheduled meeting. If formal actions are not considered on these Tuesdays, the Board may use this time to conduct an informal work session, retreat or similar informal meeting.



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Board Work Session Rm.120D
155 North First Avenue, Suite 300, MS 21 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 



At 9:00 am prior to a Regular Business meeting and on the Second Tuesday of the month.


This is where the Board of County Commissioners plan, discuss and draft Board priorities.



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Board Work Session Rm. 120D
155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 (Find on Google Maps). 



First Thursday of every month.  NOTE: this date may change, see calendar for dates and times.



The Housing Authority Board of Directors (HABOD) consists of members of the Washington County Board of County Commissioners plus two additional members: one member who is a resident assisted by the Housing Authority (Public Housing or Voucher program), and one At-Large position.The Housing Authority of Washington County is the legal entity that owns properties; the Department of Housing Services is the County agency that operates the programs, works with developers and provides services to meet the housing needs of low-income people in Washington County.



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Auditorium
155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 (Find on Google Maps). 



First Tuesday of every month @10 am.



Bylaws/Rules of Procedure

Testimony Sign-up Form

Testimony Procedures

Request for Translation Services


The purpose of the ACRE is to advance equity, diversity and inclusion outcomes by way of advising on the County’s planning, policies, legislative work, budgeting, and programming; empower Washington County equity leaders, especially those from communities most impacted by racial inequities, to provide advisement to the Washington County Board of Commissioners; and ensure that needs and priorities of communities most impacted by racial inequities are centered in County policies and operations.

Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual via Zoom – link on the print version agenda)
Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building,  
155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 (Find on Google Maps).
Room 120/120D

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm



Advisory Council on Racial Equity Charter

ACRE Bylaws

ACRE Meeting Topic Calendar

Apply to Join ACRE


The Audit Committee monitors audits of the County's finances, in the belief that access to knowledgeable individuals help prevent an excessive reliance on the expertise of the external auditor. Independent oversight is critical to the effectiveness of financial statement audits. 



Meetings are Virtual



One meeting after the start of the fiscal year (July) and prior to the start of field work (October). The second meeting is in January after the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is issued and prior to the Board accepting the financial statements at their first meeting in February. See calendar for dates and times.




Members and Contact information

Apply for a Board and Commission


The Behavioral Health Council (BHC) is an advisory group to the Behavioral Health Division. Members are appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. The council assists the county in identifying community needs and priorities.


The council also may provide the following input and support:

  • Assist in selecting providers
  • Help the county determine if services are meeting the needs of the community
  • Provide input when requested to the Board of Commissioners. This may include program direction, decisions and feedback on proposals.


Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Washington County Health and Human Services

5240 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite 150

Conference Room 40

Hillsboro, OR 97124

Zoom link shared one week prior. 


The BHC meetings are open to the public and are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings may be canceled or rescheduled, and may be held in person or virtually. To verify the meeting schedule or to request more information, please call 503-846-4528 or contact Behavioral Health Administrative Support at [email protected].




Apply for a Board and Commission


The purpose of these meetings is to plan and discuss the County budget. The Budget Committees are made up of the 5 County Commissioners and 5 residents for each of the Counties Budget Committees. The Budget Committees are: Washington County Budget/Service District for Lighting Budget Committee, Urban Roads Maintenance District and Enhanced Sheriff Patrol District Budget Committee (URMD/ESPD), and the North Bethany Service District for Roads Budget Committee (NBSDR) Washington County Budgets


The Board of Commissioners also serves as the Board of Directors for Clean Water Services and serves on their budget committee which also has 5 residents. There Budget Committee and Public Hearing usually takes place the First Friday in May. More information can be found about Clean Water Services and their budget on their website. Clean Water Services Budget


Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)
Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Auditorium 
155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 (Find on Google Maps).


How to testify


These meetings are held in May and June., see calendar for dates and times.


The Developmental Disabilities Council identifies community needs, and recommends funding priorities.






First Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.





Apply for a Board and Commission


The Fair Board’s primary function is to oversee the planning, preparation, and production of the annual Washington County Fair. The Fair Board develops both short and long-term plans for the promotion and production of the County Fair and provides input to the County’s Facilities Maintenance Plan of the Fairgrounds. The Fair Board is comprised of seven members appointed to 3-year terms, that are selected from a variety of interests determined by the Board of Commissioners, including, but not limited to:Agriculture,LivestockYouth/EducationExhibitors/VendorsUrban AgricultureIn lieu of a citizen representative, one member may be from the Board of Commissioners.


If you would like to be considered for an appointment to the Fair Board, click here.Email the Fair Board at: [email protected] Sign-up to be notified by email about the next Fair Board Meeting.


On Zoom and In-Person at the Wingspan Event & Conference Center in Meeting Room 2.

801 NE 34th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124



Usually the first Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, November at 4:30 p.m. Schedule subject to change.




Apply for a Board and Commission


The Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee assists the Board of Commissioners in ensuring the safe, equitable, economical and efficient collection, storage, transportation and disposal of garbage and recycling.


Member Description: Ten members including: eight members representing the public, one member representing the garbage and recycling industry, and one representative of the County's Department of Health and Human Services (a non-voting committee member).



Virtual via Zoom



Meetings: Second Thursday of the month, 6-8 p.m.



Contact Kathy Folsom, Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee liaison at [email protected] or 503-726-6035.



GRAC Bylaws

GRAC Estatutos en Español 

Apply for a Board and Commission


Stay connected

Subscribe to the Garbage and Recycling division's interested parties list.




The Housing Advisory Committee plays a vital role in shaping the operations of Washington County's Department of Housing Services. The committee:

  • Identify, consider and recommend housing goals and policies. Review the Housing Assistance Plan and advise the Board on its adoption;
  • Identify and consider the community's needs for lower income housing and the resources available to meet those needs and recommend to the Housing Authority programs to meet those goals;
  • Advise the Housing Authority on applications to the federal and state government for housing programs;
  • Make recommendations to the Housing Authority for changes or revisions in policies of the Housing Authority;
  • Review and recommend action on the budgets of the Housing Authority;
  • Review and make recommendations on other matters coming before the Housing Authority and perform such other advisory functions as many be referred to the committee by the Housing Authority.



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual)

Adams Crossing Building

161 NW Adams Ave, 2nd Floor, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Olympic Conference Room



4th Thursday of every month. from 9-11am. 

NOTE: Certain meetings may be cancelled due to holidays/housing events.



HAC Webpage and Bylaws


The Washington County Planning Commission advises the Board of Commissioners on land use matters including the adoption, revision or repeal of portions of the Washington County Comprehensive Plan. For some plan amendments, the Planning Commission makes the final land use decisions for the County. Planning Commission decisions may be appealed to the Board.


Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building, Auditorium

155 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124


1:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month and 6:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of every month. See agendas for instructions to join meetings virtually.

Questions? Contact Todd Borkowitz, Planning Commission Staff Liaison, at [email protected] or 503-846-3593.



Rules of Procedure

Apply for a Board and Commission


Planning Commission agendas are typically published one week before the meeting date. 


The Washington County Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC) is appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners to advise the Board of Commissioners in its role as the Board of Health for Washington County. The Washington County Public Health Advisory Council makes recommendations to the board and the Public Health division manager on matters relating to public health.

Membership: We are interested in members who want to explore factors that contribute to the health of our community such as disease prevention, environmental exposures, substance use prevention, family and reproductive health, and public health preparedness. We strive to recruit members who represent many dimensions of our community, including:

Racial and ethnic communities
Refugee and immigrant communities
Nonprofit and/or government organizations
Seniors, aging population


Where: Meetings are virtual


When: Second Tuesday of the month 


Questions: Contact Alex Coleman [email protected] Phone: 971-724-0089




Apply for a Board and Commission


The Public Safety Coordinating Council is a statutorily mandated committee convened by the Washington County Board of Commissioners for the purpose of developing and recommending plans for the use of state resources respective to the coordination of local criminal justice and juvenile justice policy. Collaborative planning provides a countywide approach to enhancing communication and partnership among law enforcement, public safety, criminal justice agencies and the residents of the Washington County community. The developed plans include strategies to address prevention, treatment, education, employment resources and intervention services. The Public Safety Coordinating Council supports an overarching coordinated approach to public safety by reviewing emerging and best practices in policy development, restorative justice, racial and ethnic disparities in the system and community collaboration programs that maximize resources and minimize duplication. The plans supported by the Public Safety Coordinating Council are referred to the Board of County Commissioners for final approval.



Sheriff's Office, 215 SW Adams Ave., Hillsboro in Training Rooms A&B located on the second floor.



Bimonthly beginning in January on the third Friday of the month from 1:00-3:00 PM.




Apply for a Board and Commission


The Rural Roads Operations and Maintenance Advisory Committee (RROMAC) advises the Board of County Commissioners on road-related matters associated with the operations and maintenance of county roads that are outside the urban growth boundary.



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual via Zoom) 

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building

Room 120D Board Work Room
155 N First Ave,, Hillsboro, OR 97124. 



7:30-9:30 a.m. on the second Thursday of every third month.



RROMAC Bylaws - Adopted 11/2023

Get involved with RROMAC



The volunteer Washington County Salary Commission consists of five human resources professionals who will determine the salaries for Washington County Board of Commissioners.


Prior Salary Commission Action



Hybrid Meetings (In-Person and Virtual)


Final Reports





See calendar for dates and times.




The volunteer Washington County Salary Commission consists of five human resources professionals or those with background and expertise in budgets and finances who will determine the salaries for Washington County Board of Commissioners.

The process entails reviewing the prior Board salaries and doing market research with other local partners to keep the rates in line with the area as well as the workload of the Board of Commissioners.

Work of the Salary Commission is expected to start mid-January and will be conducted through virtual meetings on a schedule determined by the members. This may be weekly or biweekly for 2-3 hours at a time, tentatively through the end of April.

Appointments are for two-year terms, but it is expected that once the Salary Commission reaches their conclusions (targeted date before the end of April) that the work by the Salary Commission is finished except for presentation to the public at a Board of County Commissioners meeting, normally accomplished by the Chair selected by the Salary Commission itself.

There may be an opportunity for continuing education credits through the Society for Human Resource Management.


Additional information could be at the following Link



2023-2024 Commission Members


Apply for a Board and Commission


The Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC) works with County staff and advises the Board of Commissioners on issues related to services provided by the Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD). 



Meetings are hybrid (in person and virtual via Zoom) 

Charles D. Cameron Public Services Building,

Room 120D Board Work Room
155 North First Ave., Hillsboro, OR 97124. 



3:45-5:45 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every other month.



Bylaws - Adopted 11/2023

Get involved with URMDAC

The Washington County Coordinating Committee (WCCC) coordinates activities of Washington County local governments and works toward consensus on regional and state land use and transportation planning matters. The WCCC is composed of elected representatives from Washington County and the cities in Washington County. There are also non-voting members from regional and state governments and area service providers.



Meetings are virtual via Zoom


12-2 p.m. once a month. Workshops scheduled as needed. Please refer to the meetings calendar for additional information. 



WCCC 2025 Schedule

WCCC Bylaws

WCCC 2025 Roster


WCCC Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCC TAC) supports the Washington County Coordinating Committee (WCCC). The WCCC TAC is composed of senior staff representatives from local governments. There are also non-voting members from regional and state governments and from area service providers.


1:30-3:30 p.m. once a month. Please refer to the meetings calendar for additional information. 



WCCC TAC 2025 Schedule

WCCC TAC 2025 Roster




This Transit Committee reviews project information and plans, make suggestions and advises the Board on prioritizing public transportation projects to be funded by the state. The Transit Committee is appointed by the Washington County Board of Commissioners to assist with the development of the Transit Development Plan. 



June 27, 2024, Sept. 18, 2024

Meetings are open to the public and include time for public comment. 



Transit Committee Bylaws


Washington County Transit Committee (WCTC) agendas are typically published one week before the meeting date.