When thinking about emergency preparedness, it is easy to become quickly overwhelmed. There is so much to learn and so much to do, it can seem impossible. There are a variety of reasons you may not be able to prepare for emergencies – lack of time, lack of money, or not knowing where to begin.
Take 5 to Survive is designed to help you overcome those barriers so you can feel more confident about emergency preparedness.
Need suggestions on where to start?
- If you’re new to emergency preparedness, start with reading some of the preparedness topics to familiarize yourself with different aspects of preparing.
- If you’re interested in quick preparedness activities that can fit into your busy schedule, check out the 5 minute project page for ideas.
- If you're ready to start collecting supplies for your emergency kit, head over to the Preparedness Calendar for an easy to follow monthly plan.

Preparedness Topics
Learn more about a variety of preparedness topics, including emergency supplies and water, extreme temperatures, pet preparedness, disaster sanitation and more.

Watch preparedness videos from the American Red Cross, The Regional Water Providers Consortium, City of Hillsboro, FEMA and more.

5-Minute Projects
Get ideas for quick and simple preparedness activities to do when you’re at the grocery store, at the dinner table, or while doing chores.

Additional Web Resources
Explore additional preparedness topics ranging from financial preparedness to livestock preparedness.